Principal's Message

Farewell Lynall Hall Community School...
As principal, I am exceptionally proud of the work of our staff to support our young people and, while acknowledging that progress is not always linear, am pleased in the positive direction our school is heading.
Over the past twelve months the school has overcome a range of challenges; meeting staffing shortfalls, consulting with community about the school name change, logo and colours, and introducing a Year 10 program at our Coburg campus.
2025 presents as another big year for the school, as it is the final year of our current School Strategic Plan (SSP). This provides the opportunity to assess and measure our achievements, and we will be undertaking a school review, which will be the second school review to be undertaken since I became principal in 2018. All schools participate in a school review every four years and this informs the development of a new SSP, while assessing the school's compliance with curriculum and student learning standards.
As 2024 draws to a close, we will be farewelling various staff who have made positive contributions to the school and its culture.
- Noah Nischler (Student Wellbeing)
- Nic Ryan-Glenie (science, health and music programs)
- Jen Malbon (Mental Health Practitioner)
- Lily Scapin (Classroom support)
- Maja Herr (Staff Wellebing)
In the new year we will welcome a number of new staff, alongside the return of Mental Health Practitioner, Gen DuBois.
- Cathryn Hooker (Wellbeing Team Leader)
- Beau Cox (Classroom support)
- George Barca (VET Automotive)
- David Pincheira (VET Building)
It is particularly satisfying to note that all of our Coburg workshops will be fully operational in 2025.
With genuine excitement and optimism, I look forward to working with you all again in the new year, as our school begins a new chapter as Bindjiroo Yaluk Community School.