2025 Timetables & Lists

The 2025 PLT and Active Supervision timetables can be accessed using the links below.
If you notice any issues with the timetables, please message Matt Gravatt.
Please find below links to the following lists:
Staffroom Duty Roster
A staffroom duty roster has been created to assist with keeping the staffroom clean and tidy. The roster can be found in the link below.
All staff are expected to tidy up after themselves each recess and lunch by putting any used dishes in the dishwasher and throwing out any rubbish. The staff members rostered on for staffroom duty are to wipe down the benches/tables and sink and start/unload the dishwashers, not to tidy up after others.
Additionally, as the staffroom is a communal space, if you take any cutlery, plates/bowls or mugs/cups from the staffroom, please return them at the end of each break so others can access them.