Precinct Traffic Safety Update

Sir Gustav Nossal Boulevard has a speed limit of 20 kmh. There are 3 Shared Zones which are indicated with signage and a raised paved area. Shared Zones have a speed limit of 10 kmh. Please be aware that pedestrians have right of way on a Shared Zone. There is a roundabout at the Clyde Road entry. There 2 pedestrian crossings - outside Federation University and at the end of Sir Gustav Nossal Boulevard, outside Nossal High School.
It is important that drivers of all vehicles moving in and around the precinct observe all road signage and road rules. The speed limits have been put in place to ensure the safety of all pedestrians, including our students. Currently there is concern about some vehicles being driven too fast which has the potential to cause accidents.
All drivers are urged to be patient and observe the road rules in the precinct. It is a policy requirement of the Department of Education and a major safety concern for Campus Traffic Safety Committee who have advised that should the problem persist, police will be asked to attend during peak times.
Once arrived at Nossal please ensure you follow all posted signage including no standing zones. (Please see the map below). Where there is no speed limit indicated, cars must be driven at walking pace only. Cars must not be driven on grassed areas. Students must not be dropped off in the Federation University or Berwick Healthcare carpark.
Pedestrians also have a role to play in traffic safety. An additional safety problem is the increasing number of students who are walking and crossing roadways while listening to devices through headphones. Drivers report students crossing in front of them without looking and clearly not hearing a car is nearby.
Students are reminded to look both ways before crossing any road and only cross when safe to do so. Do not rely on traffic lights alone. There have been reports of near misses when vehicles have run a red light.
Federation University's security have previously reported that there is several Nossal students who walk through Buchanan Park and then through the university car park to go to school.
Student must not walk through the Federation University carpark or Berwick Healthcare carpark. The footpath that runs parallel to Sir Gustav Nossal Boulevard must be used for pedestrian access to Nossal High School.