Climate Canons

National Pollinator Week:

Australian Pollinator Week acknowledges our important and unique insect pollinators during our southern spring (November). It is a designated week when communities, businesses and organisations can come together to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators and support their needs.


Our BEEautiful Bees, Emily and Grace meant BEES-ness on Wednesday 20th November as they marvelled students with interesting facts and information about why we should protect these important creatures. Students who wanna-BEE more informed completed a Blooket quiz this week and this shared the message don’t worry, BEE happy and 

BEElieve in yourself. Congratulations to Alex Pilkington (Yr 9) and Tanyian Verma (Yr 7) on achieving the top scores.

Sea Shepherd Marine Debris Clean Up

Sea Shepherd is committed to promoting and facilitating family friendly coastal and river clean-up activities and inspiring the community, businesses and industry to take action in support of the protection and conservation of local marine environments. The Australia-wide campaign is driving community change through education and beach clean-ups, empowering people to realise every piece counts. 


The Climate Canons are proud to be involved in these clean ups and on Monday 2nd Dec, the Year 7-9 students and 5 staff did their bit to help reduce coastal waste at South Beach, Fremantle. It was a wonderful morning learning about the perils of micro plastics and the impacts they have on wildlife. We found some interesting items in the dunes and washed up on the beach and we collated and analysed the results of the clean up. Most importantly we discussed what we can do to make sure this waste doesn’t end up on our coasts. Thank you to everyone involved.

2024 Wrap Up

The Climate Canons have had a wonderfully productive year, from participating in the Wastesorted Student Meet at Emmanuel Catholic College, hosting our first Clothes Swap, educating staff and students about major environmental issues including National Recycling Week, World Oceans Day, National Tree Day and Endangered Species Day. We have saved over 8000 containers from landfill (with more to go!) through the Containers for Change program, recycled paper, cardboard, pens, bottle tops, batteries, blister packs, ring pulls and more and initiated the Containers for Change House Competition with Magdeburg ending up with the most correct recyclable containers and winning a BBQ lunch. Thank you to all the staff and students who have supported the Climate Canons in 2024, participating in Blookets, visiting our stalls, recycling properly and having conversations about protecting the environment. We are always looking for new members, so consider joining the Climate Canons in 2025. 




Miss D Pisconeri

(Humanities and Social Sciences Teacher and Climate Canons Co-ordinator)