Deputy Principals

End of Year Reports
As the academic year draws to a close, we wish to inform you about the distribution of end-of-year reports. Students in Years 10 and 11 have already received access to their reports, while reports for students in remaining lower school years will be distributed by mid-next week.
These reports provide valuable insights into students’ subject achievements, academic progress, and learning behaviours. While there are no parent/student/teacher interviews associated with these reports, they present an excellent opportunity for reflection. We encourage students to review their academic progress and identify areas for growth in 2025. A constructive discussion between students and their parents about the report can be a great starting point, with goals and resolutions revisited as the new academic year approaches.
Booklists and Class Allocations for 2025
Families in Years 7–11 should have received their student class allocations for 2025. Class placements for ability-streamed subjects have been carefully determined in consultation with subject teachers and the Heads of Learning Areas. Allocations for elective subjects are based on the preferences students submitted earlier this year through SSO in Term 3.
For students in Years 8–10 wishing to adjust their elective choices, an opportunity to request changes will be available at the start of the 2025 school year. These changes will be subject to class availability and compatibility with the existing timetable.
Booklist items for 2025 are now available for order via Campion Education. The Booklists can be downloaded from the links below, the College website or through the ‘Documents’ section of Seqta. We encourage families to place orders by Friday, 13th December 2024. Please note that any orders placed after this date will incur an additional fee.
Years 7 – 12 BOOKLISTS
We look forward to supporting our students as they prepare for the new academic year!
Mr R D’Almeida
(Deputy Principal Years 9 & 12)
Year 10 River Cruise
The Year 10 River Cruise was held on the last day of Year 10. The students danced all night and displayed the College value of Friendship. The students enjoyed themselves and had a great time, which is obvious from the photos! Well done Year 10!
AI Challenge Day
All Year 7-9 students participated in an AI Challenge Project in the last week of school. All students are to be congratulated for their engagement, creativity and collaboration skills that they displayed. The judging panels had a very difficult time deciding on a winner for each year group.
The day involved three master classes:
Class 1 - Using different tools including, Canva, Suno and ChatGPT and generating AI images.
Class 2 - Designing prompts for AI.
Class 3 - Introduced the project for the day and had activities for spotting real and AI images.
For the second half of the day, the students worked in groups to produce an AI project aimed at convincing a panel of judges that a "fake concept" was in fact real. The students also had to explore the principles of ethics when using AI. The task also required students to use their skills of creativity, collaboration and critical thinking.
A special thank you to Mr Levy and Mrs Mark who lead the activities for the day.
Mr P Murphy
(Deputy Principal Years 7 & 10)
2025 Commencement Dates
To assist with summer holiday planning, here are the commencement dates for 2025:
Wednesday 5 February: Year 7, new Year 8-10 students and ALL Years 11 & 12 students commence.
Thursday 6 February: Years 8 -10 students commence.
The College re-opens on Tuesday 7 January 2025.
The 2025 dates for 2025 are available on SEQTA and also attached is an Important Dates page, as will appear in next year's Student Diary.
Reminders and Expectations for 2025
STUDENTS commence Term 1 in full summer uniform. Students have growth spurts during the holidays so please check uniforms in advance to ensure any items needing to be replaced are done so before school commences. The Uniform Shop holiday opening times are published at the end of the newsletter, on the Reminders and Notices pages. At the start of next year, a letter will also be sent by the Deputy Principals to students and parents with reminders about College expectations and upcoming events.
New students 2025
A REMINDER to families to organise uniforms, purchase and image laptops before the commencement of the school year. Laptops can be dropped off between Monday 6 January to Monday 13 January. A link to a video will be sent to families with instructions on how to use the MacBook. Please refer to Booklet from the Information Night in September.
Thank You to the Parent Committee
Thank you to the Parent Committee who have been significant in organising and funding events for our students and parents throughout this year. Their time and dedication is greatly appreciated.
Next year, the Committee has planned upcoming Parent Seminar which will be communicated throughout 2025 to parents and carers. The Committee encourages new members to join and contribute to the great work they do for our school. If you are interested in learning more about the Parent Committee, please contact me at the College.
Miss C Abel
(Deputy Principal Years 8 & 11)