Sports News

Registrations are now open for any child (12 years and under) who would like to try out for the Victorian State Teams. The School Sport Victoria (SSV) Team Vic representative program provides a development platform for Victorian students to challenge themselves against Australia’s best school aged athletes across numerous sports at the annual School Sport Australia (SSA) Championships. SSV coordinate the selection process for Team Vic teams in partnership with relevant state sporting organisations.

Registrations close at 11:59pm, Friday, 28 February, 2025. 


View up-to-date information regarding 2025 Sport & Registration Dates. (All found on the SSV website Under Team Vic heading).


Please see the new Team Vic Principal Endorsement Sheet process for the following teams in 2025:

  • Australian Football 12 Years & Under Boys (Closes on Friday 1st March, 2024)

  • Basketball 12 Years & Under Girls/Boys (Closes on Friday 1st March, 2024)

  • Football (Soccer) 12 Years & Under Boys (Closes on Friday 1st March, 2024)

  • Netball 12 Years & Under Girls (Closes on Friday 1st March, 2024)

  • Cricket 12 Years & Under Boys (Closes on Friday 1st March, 2024)


Students are reminded that the skills required for these teams must be exceptional.  It is not a ‘Come and Try’ system. Students are required to check with the school principal or sports teacher for endorsement to go to the trials. 

Registrations for interest can be found at


The School Sports Victoria Greater Western swimming will be in Horsham on March 26th. If you would like to be considered for this event you will need to send times for the events you wish to enter to Matt by March 3rd and they will be passed on to Nicole Lynch to be considered. 

On Thursday the 13th of February, students from grades 4-6 will be traveling to the Central Reserve to compete in the St Mary’s Athletics Trial Day. This event will determine which students will move on to represent the school in the Colac Divisional Athletics Carnival later in the term.

Students must wear school sports uniform and take with them drinks, snacks, food for the day, hats and sunscreen (we will supply some on the day for students to reapply). Students will be competing in the 100m, 800m, hurdles, discus, shot put, long jump and triple jump. We will be leaving by bus at 9:00am from St Mary’s and returning to school around 1:30pm-2:00pm.

Parents are welcome to attend the event at the Central Reserve and must notify a teacher if you would like to pick up your child from the Central Reserve.



If you are interested in volunteering your time, please get in touch with Matt. Many thanks in advance.  


Matt Absalom


Sports Calendar: 

13/2: Athletics Trials Grades 4-6 

21/2: Colac Tennis Tournament Grades 5-6 

3/3: Swimming times submitted to Matt.A 

6/3: Colac Division Athletics 

14/3: St. Mary’s School Sports Day 





Shot put

High Jump

Long Jump

Triple Jump

9.45am10 boys10 girls11 year old boys11 year old girls12 year old boys12 year old girls
10:10am12 year old girls10 boys10 girls11 year old boys11 year old girls12 year old boys
10:35am12 year old boys12 year old girls10 boys10 girls11 year old boys11 year old girls
11:00am11 year old girls12 year old boys12 year old girls10 boys10 girls11 year old boys
11:25am11 year old boys11 year old girls12 year old boys12 year old girls10 boys10 girls
11:50pm 10 girls11 year old boys11 year old girls12 year old boys12 year old girls10 boys

LUNCH BREAK- 12.15pm

12.30pm100m Sprints (All groups)
12.50pm800m (All groups)- Optional