Religious Education News 

Welcome to Father Andrew Hayes

We warmly welcome our new Parish Priest, Fr. Andrew Hayes. All the staff from St. Mary’s, Sacred Heart, Trinity and St. Brendan’s had the opportunity to gather together on the first day of school this year to have Mass with Fr. Andrew. Andrew has come to us from Ararat, having served the Parish of Gariwerd for ten years.


Beginning of Year Mass

We will be having a beginning of the year Mass on Friday February 28th at 10am in the St. Mary’s church. During this Mass the Preps will receive a blessing from their Grade 6 buddies, a beautiful tradition we have. All are welcome.


Prayer Gathering

On Fridays each class or year level takes a turn at leading our school in prayer at our weekly Prayer Gatherings.  Prayer Gatherings are a time for our community to gather together and an invitation to join us in prayer and reflection.  We are very fortunate to have the use of St Mary’s Church for our Prayer Gatherings and we ask that everyone respects this sacred space.


Can we ask for your cooperation in order to make our Prayer Gatherings a prayerful experience for our whole school community.

  • Please do not bring food/drink into the church (including take-away coffee)

  • Please refrain from taking video/photographs during the Prayer Gathering. 

  • Please clap at the end of the Prayer Gathering to thank the class for their efforts in leading us in prayer rather than applaud individual items.

Please see below the Prayer Gathering Roster for Terms 1 and 2 so that you can add these dates to your diary.  Our first Prayer Gathering is on Friday March 7th at 9am.  During this Prayer Gathering our elected Year 6 students and SRC representatives will make leadership pledges and receive their badges.

Term 1 
7th MarchCombined Sixes
14th MarchCombined Ones
21st MarchCombined Fours
28th MarchCombined Fives
Term 2 
2nd May Whole school Alleluia Day (TBC)
9th MayCombined Threes
16th MayCombined Twos
23rd MayCombined Preps 

Jayne Brumby

Religious Education Leader