Principal's Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
Help Us Enter the New Year
God, help us enter the New Year quietly,
thoughtful of who we are to ourselves and to others,
mindful that our steps make an impact
and our words carry power.
May we walk gently.
May we speak only after we have listened well.
Help us enter the New Year reverently,
aware that you have endowed every creature and plant, every person and habitat
with beauty and purpose.
May we regard the world with tenderness.
May we honour rather than destroy.
Help us enter the New Year joyfully,
willing to laugh and dance and dream,
remembering our many gifts with thanks
and looking forward to blessings yet to come.
May we welcome your lavish love.
In this new year, may the grace and peace of Christ bless us now and in the days ahead.
I warmly welcome you back as we settle into the 2025 school year. I hope all families feel relaxed and refreshed as we get back into the busy routines of work and school. It has been a smooth start to the school year and it has been a delight to observe the children return to school looking happy and eager to begin work in their new classroom settings.
A big welcome to our new Prep students and new families. All our Preps seem to be making a comfortable transition into school routines. I have visited the classrooms throughout the last week and have been delighted with how settled and happy they are in their new environment. Well done to Elissa, Gemma, Ava and Liza on making their first few days such a memorable experience. I also welcome two new students who have joined our school community this year;
- Emmanuel Blessing Grade Gr 5 Rachael C
- Janet Blessing Grade 1 Judy/Leah
We welcome our new teachers Katie Monaghan (Gr 6) and Rachael Cahill (Gr 5). We also welcome our new LSO Jemaya Hassett (Gr 6). We are delighted to have these wonderful people on staff and wish them all the best as they begin their journey at St. Mary’s.
We also warmly welcome Fr. Andrew as he begins his new role as parish priest of St. Mary’s Parish. We look forward to working with Fr. Andrew and wish him all the best for a great 2025 and beyond.
It is timely at the beginning of the year to remind families about wearing correct school uniform. Runners are only to be worn on sports days. Our uniform is something we share in common as a school community and should be worn with pride. With the extreme heat we have been experiencing, the wearing of hats is very important. If children are not wearing a hat they will be asked to sit in the undercover veranda areas. Please ensure all uniform items are clearly named.
Beginning of Year BBQ
Our beginning of the year BBQ will be held on Thursday 27th February at 6pm. This will be a great opportunity to celebrate the beginning of the year and welcome new families to our school. The school will provide sausages and hamburgers and parents will be asked to bring a salad or dessert to be shared. Details will be posted on Class Dojo and we would appreciate a response of your attendance for catering purposes.
Meet the Teacher Conversations
This year we are re-introducing parent / teacher conversations at the beginning of the year. These will be held on 10th, 11th and 17th February. Please note that these are not our usual Learning Conversations. These meetings are a short 10-minute discussion to meet your child’s teacher and share any important information that will support the development of educational goals and expectations. It is also an opportunity to discuss transition into their new class. All parents wishing to meet with their child’s teacher are to book a time on the PAM.
Collaboration PD / Pupil Free Days
In 2025 DOBCEL (Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Ltd) have granted schools the opportunity to participate in collaborative professional development. This is in line with a new long term strategic plan that has been developed. The 3 days between Easter Monday and Anzac Day (22nd, 23rd and 24th April) will be pupil free days. On these days our school will be collaborating on various aspects of school life with Sacred Heart Colac and St. Brendan’s Coragulac. This is the first week of Term 2. Please put these dates in your diaries.
Events Calendar
First term is always a very busy one. On today’s newsletter are all the important dates and events in the coming weeks. Please be sure to read the calendar on the newsletter each fortnight to keep up to date and plan ahead. We also add dates onto the yearly calendar on PAM on a regular basis, so please keep up to date with this also.
Enjoy the rest of your week and best wishes for a great year ahead.
Michael Mahoney