Student Awards

Students of the Week

Zac F, 1D - for settling in so well to Gardenvale Primary School. We are very lucky to have you in 1D!


Lucy C, 6D - for her excellent dedication to all her school work, her proficiency in improving all her academic skills and for the beautiful empathy she displays to everybody else. 



Teo F, 2D - for being a 2D superstar in 2023 and consistently displaying all of the HERRRby values.


Jake R, 5D- for being a terrific class member who demonstrates the HERRRBy Values in everything you do!


Green HERRRBY Award

Amalia M, PD - for ensuring paper goes in the recycling bin and rubbish in the waste bin, you are an environmental superstar!



Emily S, PC - for writing and editing a wonderful narrative about a princess whose stuff got stolen! You superstar! 


Harvey A, 1A - for the great interest, enthusiasm and participation he displays in class. We all enjoy and appreciate his wonderful vocabulary and passionate discussions. Keep it up Harvey.   


Gabe G, 1B - for amazing progress with your flexible thinking and spelling of those tricky Meow words.  What a superstar! 


Gus G, 2A - for going above and beyond in his homework last week. The extra work that you are doing with Maths is paying off, keep it up!


Aviv K, 2B - for his incredible work in our money unit. Your knowledge and understanding of adding up coins and giving change is very impressive! Well done Aviv.


Owen J, 2C - for your persistence during our money unit. You have worked so hard learning how to add up money and even give change. Keep it up!


Carmen P, 3A - for her fantastic sizzling starts. You are a super star!!!


Isabel B, 3B - for your interesting and creative sizzling starts and the awesome effort you are putting into your writing!


Ellie P, 3C -  for her interesting and captivating sizzling starts. You definitely started with a POP right into the action! Well done!


Marcus B, 4A - for putting a smile on everyone’s face the moment you walk into the classroom! Great work, Marcus. 


Gavi N, 4B - for being a fun and helpful member of 4B.


Grace S, 4C - for always reading with glee and contributing enthusiastically to group discussions. Well done!


Ruby S, 4D - for coming to school each day with a happy smile and ready to be a hardworking member of 4D! Go Ruby!


Toby F, 5A -  for always being a very helpful member of 5A. Thanks Toby!


Angus B, 5B - for demonstrating the qualities of empathy and honesty. You are such a fantastic human.


Maddy M, 5C - for always trying her best. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments this year.


Vlad S, 6A - for your amazing improvement in spelling this year. Your hard work has paid off.


Ella G, 6B - for showing amazing leadership by volunteering to go to Peer Mediation multiple times last week. Thank you, Ella =)


Max D, 6C - for making a huge effort to stay focussed and on task. You have a lot to offer 6C who appreciate your sense of humour and positive attitude.



Japanese Ninja Star Awards

Hailey K, 3A - for showing good manners and working hard in Japanese class.

がんばりました! Ganbari mashita!"


Jeremy H, 4D - for being a keen participant in Japanese class and showing great manners.  

すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Mackenzie R, 5C - for bringing a positive attitude and being a great contributor in Japanese class.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Andy J, 6B - for writing Japanese very neat and accurately.  すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Mia R, PD - for being enthusiastic about learning Japanese. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Ezra W, 1B - for showing respectful manners and being a keen participant in Japanese.

すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Kayla H, 2A - for being a great listener and working hard in Japanese class. 

すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!