Classroom & Curriculum News

. We had Weekly Assembly Awards
Congratulations to the students who worked hard this week and received an Encouragement and Recognition Award!!
Happy Birthday to all students who got a year older and celebrated their Birthday since the last assembly!!
House Colour Competition
House Teams | Total Points |
Prep Emergency service visitors
We have been lucky enough to have been visited by a few emergency services over the last two weeks. We met 4 firemen last Thursday, we learnt what to do if there was a fire, to know the number 000 and to get down low and go, go, go when we see smoke. We listened to a loud smoke alarm and saw what a fireman looks like in full PPE gear. The firemen gave us some homework to see if our smoke alarms work at home, and to discuss with our families where our safe meeting place is in case of emergency. Because the firefighters are on call, we have had to reschedule our second session but we are so excited to have our second session to hold the fire hose and look up close at the fire truck.
We had a visitor for the Saint John’s ambulance service, he taught us what to do if someone hurts themselves. We stay calm and think about Danger, Response and Send for help.
In the next few weeks we will get to meet a nurse and they will check us all out to see how healthy we are and how big and strong we have grown.
Place value Robots-
During maths the preps have been refreshing their knowledge on number concepts. We spun the magic wheel to get a 2 digit or 3 digit number. We wrote down the number in its numeral form, MAB form, written form and expanded form. They are on display in the windows of the classroom building.
Yesterday we got to have our prep fun day,
We completed an activity during the week to design our kites and then built the kites with our grade 6 buddies. During the afternoon we designed our good copy and put the finishing touches on the kites. We waited for the weather to improve and we went outside to test the flight as it was just windy enough. We ran into some hilarious knotted troubles and a few stray kites up trees, but we persevered and had a whole bunch of fun !!!! We made it just in time before a big thunderstorm came and we didn’t stay around long enough to test the electricity vs kite experiment.
Thankyou to Mrs Witchell, Miss Marissa, Miss P and Mr Stead for staying around to help and keep us company.
School Colour Fang Run
Thursday 26th October will be our School Colour Fang (Fun) Run. Please watch the video below to get a sense of what it will be like.
Book Week
At the end of last term we had our annual Book Week Parade. It was an amazing effort from all the students as there many costumes made and worn. It was an enjoyable day with lots of smiles and activities completed in classrooms. Many thanks to all the parents for their ongoing support with Book Week and for attending the Parade.
First Aid
Last week the Yr 1/2s (along with the rest of the school took part in a First Aid course). The students in Yr 1/2 learnt a lot about what to do to support someone who may need first aid following DRS: looking out for dangers (D), how to get a response (R) if the person who is hurt is are unconscious and how to send (S) for help by calling 000. It was great to see that the facilitator was in fact a previous St Augustine's student!
Here are some photos of the First Aid sessions that the Year 3/4's had with Gianfranco.
We had a wonderful time and learnt so much about how to care for someone using DRS AB
D=Danger R=Response S=Send for help A= check Airway B=check Breathing.