Fabulous Foundation 

Fabulous Foundation

Term 4 Week 2 - Friday 13th October

The prep team just cannot believe we are in term four already. We’re sure you would agree that this year is flying by!  We have had a lovely start to the term. It has been lovely seeing the Preps so excited to see their friends and teachers after the holidays. 


We would like to Welcome Mr Tom to the Prep Team. He will be working in Prep A when Narelle is away and Jacqui is teaching and between both classes when Narelle is back in. He has already begun to make some great connections with all preps. 


What we are learning:

Phonics (Little Learners Love Literacy) 

This term, across the P-2 cohorts we have targeted teaching groups for Little Learners Love Literacy. Four mornings per week students make their way to their levelled group. It is here that they will be taught at the appropriate level for their ability.  The teachers from p-2 know all the children and can scaffold and support each child.  Week one was positive and students have settled into their groups well and eager to learn. We will assess again in the middle of this term and move any students that have progressed. 



We are so impressed with Prep writing! Toward the end of term three and first two weeks of this term we have really seen positive growth in many areas of writing especially letter formation and writing on the lines.  We encourage this to be practised at home. We have been focussing on adding in words such as and and the to make the sentences sound appropriate and correct. 



This term we have been heavily focussing on fiction and non fiction text types. Students have been looking at the differences in these texts such as a table of contents, diagram, real photographs, illustrations. They have even made a non fiction poster about themselves complete with a picture they added labels to.


Leader In Me:

We have continuously been using 7 Habit languages when we are in class and out in the yard. We are continuously reminding students to think win-win when they are out in the yard. This allows them to see how their actions affect the people around them, and how they can come to a decision that makes everyone happy. 



We have been busy working on our personal and academic WIGS (wildly important goals). The students really appear to enjoy discussing with the class if they have achieved their goal and if so being able to make a new goal to work toward. Next week we will begin our inquiry unit on weather. 


Specialist Days:

Monday - Health

Tuesday - Art/Culture & Music

Wednesday- Art/Culture & PE

Friday - Auslan




Important reminders

Term 4 is hat term please ensure your child has a school hat to wear for recess and lunchtime outside play 


Please continue to check the blue pouches nightly, as we use these to send notices home. We are finding many notices still in blue pouches not read. 


Please ensure that your child has a substantial lunch such as a sandwich/roll/wrap or thermos for example for lunch along with a snack (cracker/yoghurt) and fruit or vegetables.


Daily we have a fruit break, we kindly ask that you please pack your child a piece of fruit or a vegetable to snack on during this time. 


Please have your child’s drink bottle filled with water only.



Foundation Photos