Amazing 5/6

What’s going on?

We are off and running in Term 4 and it is nice to see all the students ready to finish this year strongly. We have a lot of learning left to do this year so we will not be slowing down. We are moving into fractions, decimals and percentages in Maths, with the students working in their levelled groups again. It has been so pleasing to see how much growth these groups have had for the students and the feedback from kids and parents has been really positive. In literacy we are developing our persuasive writing, focusing on the structures and techniques to captivate and interest our audiences.

This term we have several important events coming up, so it will be important to stay up to date on Compass. The 5-6’s have their “Big Ride Out” in December and several Bike Ed classes before that. Can you please ensure that your child has a bike and helmet for these activities, even if they aren’t going on the big ride. The Year 6’s, sadly, have their graduation and “Big Day Out” in December as well, with more information to come in the next few weeks. They will be fundraising for much of this term, with their idea of selling icy poles already proving to be very successful. The Christmas Book Fair is coming, with lots of great present ideas. The kids are also preparing for the Christmas Concert with Ms Susie for the end of the year.

Student Report

Hi, my name is Flynn, and I am a leader in sport, gaming, LEGO and Star Wars, and I am Patrick, and I am a leader in Sport, especially soccer and footy.  

Term 4 has so far been massive and we have made a fantastic start. We have been continuing to read “47 Degrees” and it has been a little bit sad and very emotional.  

In Maths, we started to learn about fractions. I am in Mr D’s group (Flynn), and I am in Mr B’s group (Patrick). We have been looking at equivalent fractions and been introduced to a fraction wall.  

In Writing, we have been learning about advertisements and persuasive texts.  

I am looking forward to the Big Day Out (Flynn) and the end of the year (Patrick). 




Our “cheerful” icy pole vendors

One of our fractions groups.

Emma, Lucy and their little buddy at North Cheltenham Kinder