Year 6 Graduation 

Year 6 Farewell

It is hard to believe that it’s time to farewell the Yr 6 graduating class of 2023. It is a time for reflection, celebration, anticipation and hope. Our students have definitely come a long way from the timid new kindergarten students they were seven years ago, to the wonderful young people they are today.

Saying Farewell to Primary School with gratitude and excitement it's time to bid adieu and close the chapter on your primary school days. We are confident that every student will carry with them cherished memories and lifelong friendships. Whether it's the camaraderie, outdoor adventures, sports teams, student council, or any of the countless other experiences so far at Guyra Central School, we hope you'll treasure them all.

As you embark on your next educational journey in high school, we wish you all the best. Congratulations on this achievement!