Infants and Primary


Our Infants students and staff have been counting down the days this week – for our excursion to Canberra to see ‘Possum Magic’… and for the Spring holidays! What a great term we’ve had full of learning in the classroom and many many other activities. We hope everyone who came to our Smart Drama Night loved watching the show. The students sure got a big kick out of being on stage and performing for you! A big thank you to all staff involved for making this such a successful night for our school.

Happy holidays everyone!


BEE Centre Visits

Over the past 4 weeks, we have been visiting the BEE Centre to get to know our future Kindy-start students. Each week a handful of Year 5 students have come to play and get to know the preschoolers so that they are a friendly and familiar face when Kindy-start commences in term 4. Our Year 5 students haven’t yet been given a particular student as their ‘Buddy’, however they have all enjoyed these visits and have had fun playing and getting to know the preschoolers. It has been wonderful having these students as part of our transition program and I am very proud of the way they have quickly built positive relationships with the children and how they have represented our school out in the community – thank you Year 5 students.


We have had a wonderful fortnight to round out Term 3, although we can’t believe it is already week 10. So many highlights from just last week alone and that busy and exciting week has meant that Week 10 has been solid learning and making the most of being back in the classroom.

Kindergarten have been busy measuring items in all sorts of ways. We have explored length, mass and capacity in the classroom and playground. We have also been reading Mem Fox’s ‘Possum Magic’ to familiarise ourself with this wonderful story before we go and see the performance as part of our excursion on Friday. We can’t wait to see if we can actually ‘see’ Hush when she is invisible and if the story will be the same on stage as it is in the book. What a great way to finish off Term 3!

Year 1/2 

Would you believe it- term 3 is over! We have had a wonderful term, creating new memories, learning new things and being apart of a wonderful team that is 1/ 2.

Week 9 was certainly a very busy one!... Many of our 1/ 2 students made it to and attended the merit event of watching a movie on Tuesday. This was very much enjoyed and has created a fun incentive to make it to the final merit event in term 4 as well! 

On Wednesday, we had a spectacular time participating in Smart Drama night. Thank you to everyone who came along to watch our performance. 1/ 2 were very pleased with themselves, and as they should be! 

On Thursday of week 9, we had our Wellbeing Day for this term: Self-Regulation. Students learnt about the zones of regulation and were exposed to a variety of strategies they can use in their life to support their own well-being and help them be regularly in the ‘green zone’ where we feel most happy and satisfied. Students will take the learning from this day into all areas of their lives. That day was also RUOK day. We discussed the importance of checking in with yourself, friends and peers, and taking action to ensure everyone around you has access to support.

In English, 1/ 2 have been exploring narrative, using descriptive language in their writing through developing noun groups. This last week of term has involved a special challenge of developing paragraphs in a narrative format. Students are building more and more complex sentences of late. In Mathematics, we have been measuring and comparing areas. This was particularly fun in week 10 as we engaged in real life scenarios such as painting buildings or wrapping presents. We needed to determine the surface area to help us find the smallest amount of paint or paper to cover that whole area.

On Friday of this week, we are headed to the theatre performance of Possum Magic- what a brilliant way to end the term! I would like to wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday.


The Primary classes have had a huge few weeks inside and outside the classroom. We had a major focus on Creative Arts in weeks 8 and 9 which was celebrated at our school's SMArt and Drama Night on Wednesday 13th September. All of the classes created very captivating dances, art works, musical items and drama pieces and they should be all proud of their efforts - I know I am.

The year 5 and 6 students visited St Joseph's Primary School on Monday 11th September to watch their performance of Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies which was fantastic! The sets, singing, dancing, acting and humour was outstanding and we look forward to their next show!

We are pleased to announce that the Primary excursion for students from Years 3-6 will be in Canberra for one day only (no sleepover this year). This will occur on Thursday 23rd November and a note will go out at the start of term 4.

A reminder that in term 4 school hats are compulsory in the playground and we will have our 'No Hat, No Play' rules in force. Please ensure that you have sourced a BCS school bucket hat for your children prior to term 4 starting.

Please get in touch if you require any additional information:

Jason Stuart

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)

Year 5/6 

The year 5/6 class have had a whirlwind few weeks. We have completed our Check In assessments in Writing, Reading and Mathematics, which will help our school identify areas of need and also play a small part in their end of year reports. A reminder to all families that assessments are important, both for your children and our school, and we have a strong focus on the students giving their best efforts throughout all assessments to accurately show their strengths as well as areas of development.

We have begun our unit in English on R.J. Palacio's 'Wonder' and we are thoroughly enjoying this book and the themes that it presents. This is the basis of our Reading and Writing for this term and term four. In Mathematics we have finished our 'co-ordinates' focus and now are moving onto 'Volume and Capacity' for the next two weeks. In Science, Mrs Julia Corcoran will continue her unit of 'Matter' when she returns to the class early in term four.

I wish all students and families a happy, safe and healthy school holiday break and we look forward to term four.

Jason Stuart

5/6 Class Teacher

Amali qualifies for PSSA State Athletics

On Friday 15th September BCS had 4 students attend the Western Region PSSA Athletics Carnival in Dubbo. Well done to Banjo (1500m), Mila (Long Jump), Joe (Shot Put) and Amali (200m, 100m, High Jump, Shot Put, Long Jump).


All students did our school and district proud with their efforts.


A special congratulations to Amali Bush who came third in the High Jump with a huge Personal Best of 1.23m (12cm higher than her previous PB!). Amali is now off to represent our school, Cowra District and Western Region at the NSW State PSSA Athletics Championships.


Jason Stuart

Primary Sports Co-Ordinator