Boarding House

- Mr Andrew Monk

Dom’s Dumpling’s – weekend activity

Although last weekend included some wonderful weather, our group activity was indoors. Dominic (Dom) Wong in Year 12 tapped into his possible future pathway, to be a chef, and shared this passion with the boarders. 


One of Dom's specialities is cooking of dumplings. He prepped all afternoon on Sunday and then led a cooking workshop making his favourite pork steamed dumplings. With over 200 hundred made, the boarders not only gained a useful skill they also had a healthy afternoon of snacks. Thanks Dom!



Boarding Community zoom – Community connection is key

Boarding works well when our community is connected. Our boarding zoom meetings are a vital way for the College to be one. Last week we held our termly zoom meeting. Over 20 family members were able to join in and hear from Principal, Mr Michael Horne, Deputy Principal, Miss Kristen Waldron and Head of Senior Years, Miss Helen Reiher. Covering topics from what is happening in the Boarding House to what we would like to see more of, our meetings connect our parents and allow us all to continue in strengthening our program. 


One of the developments will be a refinement on how we communicate with our parents. We aim to provide more communication home about the successes of our boarders, and their individual achievements; from having a wonderful day after some homesickness, to award winning, team participation, friendships or positive planning.


Boarder of the Week -Emily Hann

Emily Hann has been awarded our Boarder of the Week for her continual help and kindness. Emily is unwavering in her support of our Mac House girls regardless if they are new to College, trialling their boarding experience or regular boarders who need a little pick-me-up. 


Emily is a hard-working boarder who quietly goes about her business leading by example. I congratulate Emily on being our boarder of the week and wish her all the best with her Cattle Showing competition at the Adelaide Show this week. 


Service to the Community – Umpiring

Boarding prepares you to lead. I have always felt that an important part of leadership is service. Service, in any form, demonstrates your intention to put others before yourself; to improve an individual’s life or a community. The opportunity to serve others came about last week when a small group of boarders offered their time to umpire the Under 9’s AFL competition. We thank Luke Pickering, Ella Rodger, Liam Bilenkij and Alice Lanyon for giving their time to umpire younger College students in a local AFL competition.

Photo: Ella Rodger in action balling the football up.