From the Principal 

- Mr Michael Horne

As we come to the end of the winter sports season, many of our students have just participated in finals, or are about to. A number of College teams are preparing for grand finals this weekend, and I wish them every success and good luck as we cheer from the sidelines. To get to the pointy end of any season is impressive, to get to a grand final even more so. 


Well done to all students in our basketball, hockey, netball and soccer teams. A huge thanks must also go to our staff and parents who have assisted by coaching and managing teams, getting students to and from training and matches, and providing support in myriad other ways. Next week in assembly I’ll be speaking about the importance of participation and of just ‘showing up’ and giving things a go. The inclination and willingness to participate – whether or not you are very good at whatever you’re participating in – is a key part of our school’s culture. I’m not a huge fan of leaning on a quote in place of coming up with something yourself, but I do like this one attributed to Benjamin Disraeli: ‘History is written by those who show up.’ Events like College Has Got Talent, or a sporting final, or House Singing, or House Sports Afternoon, are only as good as those who turn up, and who turn up in the spirit of support for others. I will ask students to continue to be part of a community that shows up, participates and in doing so continues to maintain something special. Best of luck to those showing up this weekend!