Religious Education

Michelle Hinds


October is Socktober month: Mission month, whereby we raise funds for Catholic Mission Australia. Their goal is generational care for vulnerable children in Timor-Leste. The mission is to support families facing health and well-being challenges.


Our mission is to raise funds through a gold coin donation on Socktober Day - Monday 30th October 2023, whereby staff and students wear unique socks for the cause. The day will also include a Soccer Shoot Out using student creations for the occasion!


All students have been engaging in work around Catholic Social Teaching this semester which aligns well with the work our Mini Vinnies Leadership Team are promoting this month.


We look forward to this event.


October is also the month of the Rosary, one of the best known of all Catholic devotions. Staff and students are regularly gathering in the Chapel to pray the Rosary this month. I would also like to extend this invitation to the wider school community. We gather in the Chapel most mornings when an announcement is made.  Please join us if you can.


Prayer Boxes

At St Therese's, we have re-introduced Prayer Boxes that are used both in the classroom with students as well as offered to students to take home to use with their family.


Prayer forms a major part of our Catholic tradition and as such, we use these Prayer Boxes as an opportunity for students to creatively lead prayer time. There are a number of items in the box for students and families to use to assist in generating prayer.


Teachers and myself have demonstrated how the Prayer Boxes can be used so that students have an opportunity to share this knowledge and practice with you at home.


Keep an eye out for the Prayer Boxes coming home throughout the course of the term.

I trust you enjoy this opportunity to share in prayer with your children.


A family that prays together, stays together.

Altar Servers

Our St Agatha's Parish is offer a training session for those children interested in becoming an Altar Server. It will be held on Tuesday 24th October 2023 from 4.00pm-5.30pm in the Church. 


Stay courageous.

Michelle Hinds