From the Principal

Felicity Broughton

 Do all that you do with love ~

Dear Families,


What a whirlwind couple of weeks it has been at St. Therese's! The first week saw an extraordinary day filled with music, laughter, and inspiration as we had the privilege of hosting musician and educator, Andrew Chinn as part of our Feast Day celebrations. The experience was nothing short of magical, and it certainly made an impact on our students and staff alike.


Andrew brought his unique talents and energy to our school, and from the moment he arrived, the excitement in the air was palpable. Our students were eager to dive into the day's activities, and Andrew had a way of connecting with each and every one of them.

One of the most impressive aspects of the day was how Andrew managed to engage our students on a profound level. He possesses that rare gift of bringing out the best in people, and this was evident as the confidence in our students blossomed under his guidance. It was a day of self-expression, creativity, and joy, and it was heartwarming to see how every student embraced the opportunity.


One of the best parts of the day was the sight of our students eagerly making their way to the front of the hall to perform for the rest of the school with Andrew. They sang their hearts out and, most importantly, had an absolute blast. It was as if the entire school had turned into a stage, and every student was the star of their own performance.


The official opening and blessing of the Administration Hub and Junior and Middle Learning Neighbourhoods last week was a resounding success, graced by the presence of some distinguished guests, including our very own Parish Priest, Father Joseph, Mr Paul Velten, Director of DOSCEL, and Mr. Gary Maas, Member of Parliament for Narre Warren South.


The journey to this moment had been long and challenging, but it has been defined by the unwavering commitment of our school community - from the dedicated teachers who impart knowledge, to the enthusiastic students who soak it up, to the parents and guardians who provide unwavering support. It is through these collective efforts  that we have been able to embark on this exciting transformation. The renovations and expansion of our school symbolise our dedication to providing the best possible learning environment for our students. These improvements will not only enhance the learning experience but also inspire creativity, innovation, and a sense of community.


This new chapter in our school's journey is not only about bricks and mortar; it's about the countless stories that will be written within these walls, the dreams that will be nurtured, and the aspirations that will be realised. With these facilities, we have the opportunity to create a better, brighter, and more inclusive future for our students.




2024 Enrolments Reminder

We are in the process of finalising enrolments for Foundation 2024. If you have a child who will be school age next year and have yet to submit an enrolment form, please contact the school as soon as possible. Our Foundation Information Evening is on Monday, 23rd October and our transition sessions commence on Thursday, 26th October - we don't want any of our families to miss out on these important dates.


This is also the time of year when we are starting to confirm staff and class structures for the following year. If, for whatever reason, your child is leaving us at the end of the year and does not require a place at the school, could you please let us know. This does not apply to Grade 6 students graduating and heading to high school.


Child Safety Processes

I'd like to advise you all that we are currently in the process of reviewing and updating our child safe processes, particularly for visitors and volunteers. This does mean that you will notice a few changes if you are dropping your children off late in the morning. More information will be shared with you over coming week but please note, parents and carers are not permitted to walk their children to the classroom if they are late. Thank you in advance for your understanding and support in this area.


It has also been noted that a growing number of students are arriving at school before the gate opens at 8.30am. If you do arrive before 8.30am, we ask that you wait with your child until the gate opens and the teacher begins their duty. Please help us to keep the children safe.


School Fees

This is just a reminder that if you are not paying school fees via Centrepay or Direct Debit, the fees are due to be finalised by 30th November 2023.  School fee statements are sent home via email at the start of each term, please contact the office if you require another copy to be sent home.


If you are having difficulty paying fees, families can apply for a Special Consideration Fee Concession. Forms need to be sent home and completed, however concessions can be granted and we have helped many families over the years. Remember also that if you hold a Government Health Care Card or Government Pension Card, school fees can also be reduced. Please contact the office if you have any questions.


Have a wonderful week!

Felicity Broughton
