Family and Faith

 News from our Family Educator - Ms Tracey Bowler


Welcome back to Our Lady of Fatima Caringbah for another exciting year of learning, growing in love and faith and making friends. I hope you had a relaxing break with family and friends and are ready for a happy and fulfilling year ahead.  Welcome to the new families to our school!


It was lovely to meet and greet the new Kindergarten families at our special welcome morning tea. 


Thank you to the Kindy parents, carers and extended family members who were able to celebrate the first day of their child’s school life with a cup of tea/coffee, muffins in the library. 


This was a golden opportunity to relax, share stories and connect with like minded people.

I hope you made lots of new friends and enjoyed the Roots and Wings Prayer Pack which invites you to grow with your child (roots of a plant) and soar like a bird (feather) knowing that the sky’s the limit. “Ready to soar at OLF 2024” is the theme for our new Kindy students.    

Lord, as we embark on the new school term.

Make us ready, attentive and available to hear you.

Thank You for the gift of being able to rise each day 

with the assurance that You walk through it with 


Thank You for the gifts of creativity, curiosity and uniqueness and the energy to put them to good use.

Please bless our OLF school community, our parish and all whom we come into contact with

 So that through us, they will come to know and love you.  Amen.

Fatima Friends Invitation-Come and join in the fun!

Pre-schoolers, toddlers and babies along with their parents and carers are warmly invited to attend Friday Fatima Friends in the Library on Friday mornings after Prayer Assembly.


Who:  Pre-schoolers, toddlers and babies are also welcome and parents and carers

With:  Tracey Bowler Family Educator/Teacher 

What: Toddler Tales involves participating in a 30 minute teacher directed lesson which includes activities such as praying, singing, talking, dancing, movement, craft, sport and games.

Where: Meet in the Mercy Library after Assembly Prayer on the playground.

When: Fridays at 9.00 am - 9:45 am beginning- Friday 23rd February        

Happy Lunar New Year! The Year of the Dragon


Xīnnián hǎo (新年好)

Gong Xi Fa Cai! 

 'Shin-nyen kwhy-ler'   


Happy Lunar New Year! 



We recommence Mandarin lessons at OLF this term and what better way to get ready than to learn this greeting and celebrate the Lunar New Year - the Year of the Dragon!


The formal way of saying Happy New Year is "Xīnnián kuàilè" (phonetically pronounced "Shin-nyen Kwai-le"), which translates to "New Year happiness". 


In China, the celebration lasts 15 days, with the Spring Lantern Festival on the final day.


It is a time of joy and renewal deeply ingrained in the rich traditions of Asian cultures. 


This year, as we celebrate the Year of the Dragon, let us remember the importance of community and family, values that are cherished both in Asian cultures and in our Catholic faith. Let us also seek to build bridges of understanding and friendship across different cultures, recognizing the beauty and wisdom that each tradition brings to our shared human experience.

Healthy Ideas and Practical Tips for Parents

Parents may need some inspiration with planning lunch boxes as we settle into the new school year. Need new ideas on making healthy lunches and snacks? Or information on screen time and sleep, family fitness activities and healthy living programs? Click on these links to access some great resources especially helpful for new Kindergarten 2024 parents.


Healthy Lunch Box | Cancer Council NSW


Lunch box builder – Healthy Lunch Box 


Parent & Carer Resources | South Eastern Sydney Local Health District 

Shrove (Pancake) Tuesday

Last Tuesday every student received a pancake/ crumpet to celebrate the Christian tradition of feasting before fasting in preparation for the Lenten Season which asks us to:


  1. Give Out: Through Almsgiving - Give to the poor through Project Compassion. We give things up in Lent and use the money saved to help the poor.
  2. Give In: To Prayer -  We move closer to God by praying.
  3. Give Up: By Fasting - By going without food we can become aware of the pain of the poor and the pain Christ suffered.

At school, we buried the “Alleluia!”

Dating back to the 13th century, the church has abstained from saying “Alleluia” during the Lenten season. It is a way we remember with our words that we are in a season of repentance, of turning from and putting to death our sins. We stop saying Alleluia because we are saving up all of our joy and praise for the Lord on Easter Sunday.  


The Year 6 students got a shovel and dug a hole big enough for the Alleluia to be buried. We will dig it up again on Easter Sunday (or after the Easter break!) when we once again can say the Alleluia at Mass.


Please refer to the Shrove Tuesday/Ash Wednesday information email that was sent out last week via Compass.


Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on            February 14th


From ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans)

Join with the one billion responsible ‘indulgers’ this Easter and watch what chocolate you eat. Join ACRATH’s Indulge Responsibly Easter chocolate campaign starting on Ash Wednesday, 14th February 2024.  


Much of the world’s chocolate, including that sold in Australian shops and supermarkets, is produced using cocoa beans harvested by child labourers, many of whom endure enslavement and poor, sometimes dangerous, working conditions. Most are deprived of an education.

This Easter and beyond, we ask you to indulge responsibly, select ethically sourced chocolate, and support companies working to eliminate slavery from their supply chains. Choose products which have the certified logo(s) listed above.


Read more - click on the link

It’s chocolate, so Indulge Responsibly

Stations of the Cross at Woronora Memorial Park



Come and join me and other Shire Family Educators and their guests at Woronora to pray at the Stations of the Cross on Tuesday 19th March. More details to come!


Family Masses 2024 - Now Sundays at 9:30am!    


At Family Masses, EVERYONE is invited!


The first Family Mass will be a Welcome to New Kindy Families / Year 6 Buddies Mass on Sunday 17th March, at 9:30am. We are also celebrating St Patrick’s Day on this day.  An invitation will be soon sent out via Compass to all families to join in this joyous celebration of new beginnings and friendships.

Womens Lenten Retreat

Happy Saint Valentine’s Day!

And to finish off here is an informative video clip from Catholic Online for students in Years 3 - 6 and adults on the life of a much loved saint - St. Valentine. 



Wishing you much joy celebrating love with families and friends not only on St Valentine’s Day which was on Tuesday, February 14 but every day!





Tracey Bowler | Family Educator