Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

What a busy start we have had to the beginning of the 2024 school year! Lots to celebrate and be thankful for !!!


A few major celebrations heading our way ……

Opening School Year Mass

On Friday 16th February at 9.15am we came together to celebrate the beginning of our new school year and to ask God’s blessing on the year that is to come. We loved that so many of you were able to join us in this celebration!


At this Mass the new School and Vice Captains, Sports Captains and student SRC members were commissioned. All students from K-6 attended… and YES… our new Kinder students were there too!

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday was Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Church season of Lent. 

Students from Year 3-6 attended the parish Mass at 9.15am on this day.

Years 1 and 2 will held a Liturgy on Fatima Forum led by Fr Julian. This will took place at 1pm.


Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. 

Through Prayer … we come closer to God


Fasting reminds us of those that are less fortunate than ourselves; people who often have no choice but to go without the basic human needs.


Almsgiving is a sign of our commitment to justice and our thanks for all that God has given us.


This week each class received their Project Compassion boxes. 


This year's theme for Project Compassion is ‘For all future generations’


This theme reminds us that what we do today can have an impact For All Future Generations. This message invites us to step up for those who do not have the essential resources they need for their survival and those whose needs at this time are far beyond ours. By putting compassion into action, we can make a difference today, For All Future Generations.


By placing money in a Project Compassion box you will be helping those who are less fortunate than us. These are also located in the Church foyer. 


Want to know a bit more about LENT?  Watch this little video: Lent in 3 minutes for a quick explanation of this Liturgical season. Click here to view!

Changes to the Sacramental Program for 2024


Earlier this week Fr Julian sent a note from the Parish informing parents of changes to the timing of the Sacramental Program for this year. 


As part of this communication Fr Julian has said that:  ‘After consultation with our principals, teachers, catechists and sacramental staff, it has been decided that from 2024 the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion will be offered in Years 3 and 4 respectively.


Confirmation will be unchanged and remain to be offered in Year 6. This change is in line with many other parishes in our local area and parishes in the wider Sydney Archdiocese.’

Grade Masses

Each Friday one grade (from Years 3-6) will attend the 9.15am Parish Mass. This has been a tradition here at OLF for a few years! You are always most welcome to join in these Masses. The children usually lead the readings and Prayers of the faithful and after Mass they have the opportunity to ask the celebrating priest questions about faith, liturgical life or…. something that they just want to know more about in terms of their faith. 


Next Week: Friday,23rd February Year 6 will attend the first of the grade Masses

Followed by Year 5 in Week 4:  Friday, 1st March.


Have a fabulous week !



Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator