News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents,

Today we celebrated the beginning of the school year with our Opening Mass. It was made more special with our student leaders, School Captains, Sports Captains and K-6 SRC members being acknowledged and presented with their badges. Father Julian’s message was very powerful and he asked us to not be afraid of making mistakes throughout the year because that is when we learn, grow and support each other. His “Knock, Knock “ jokes also brought some humour to his message!

Catherine MacAuley once said “ A good beginning is of great importance” and I can confidently say that our year has had a good beginning- it has started calmly, and with much excitement and anticipation of what is to come. We are proud of our mercy heritage and our mercy values of welcome, respect, stewardship, compassion, excellence, justice and service are lived out in all that we do at OLF. 


As we continue to prepare for the year ahead we are unpacking our Annual Improvement Plan and drawing from our 5 year Strategic Plan which was formulated last year after a number of SCS systemic strategic processes to guide us. Our areas of priority and focus for 2024 are:

  • Implementation of new syllabus in RE, English and Mathematics
  • Growth in student outcomes in Mathematics and Reading data
  • Differentiation in all teaching and learning programs and classrooms
  • Unpacking and exploring our “Vision for Learning at OLF”

Let us pray that the gentle spirit and wisdom of Our Lady of Fatima continue to nurture and guide us as we aspire to thrive in a Catholic learning community of faith, curiosity, creativity, trust and friendship. Let us embrace the opportunities and challenges that come our way with enthusiasm, resilience, and a spirit of collaboration.


Together, there is no limit to what we can achieve.

 Intergenerational Program

Exciting news- Coming to OLF




Are you interested in engaging with a group of students (8 year olds) from OLF School in a purposeful intergenerational program with organised activities that are meaningful, stimulating and lots of fun for all age groups? The program promises to be lots of fun and build positive relationships that will benefit and increase student's vocabulary, improve their conversational and language skills, as well as foster socio-emotional learning for both age groups. 


If you would like more information please leave your details with the school office either by phone or email to express your interest:

Email:  or 

Call:   the school office phone number is 9524 9980

Parent Rep Meeting- All Welcome! 

The first Parent Rep meeting for 2024 will be held on Thursday 29th February at 2 pm in the library. Please join us to discuss fundraising ideas for the year ahead. Your support and involvement in raising funds and building community spirit will make an enormous difference for the students! All parents are welcome!

Welcome visit for the new School year from Mr Tony Farley - Executive Director of Sydney Catholic Schools

Click below to watch the video of our visit with Mr Farley and the beautiful messages from our wonderful students about Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School and what it means to be a student at OLF for the new school year.

OLF Open Days

If you have a Kinder student starting school next year or have a friend or neighbour with a child wanting to come to OLF in 2025, please let them know about our Open Days, where they can come along and get to know more about our school, what it has to offer, talk to staff and have a look around.









Mrs Suzanne Clay | Principal