Acting Principal's Report

Dear members of the St. Cecilia’s School community,
It has been a very positive start to the new school year for both our staff and students. The first weeks always bring with them a great mix of emotions with both excitement and apprehension of what new classes and a new year might bring.
It is a great credit to both our families and our staff that for the vast majority of our students, it has been a very smooth and positive start to the year. I think it is important to acknowledge however, that it is also a challenging time of year and that it can require some extra patience and persistence with our students who can take time adjusting to the changes the beginning of the year brings. Students will more than likely be considerably more tired than usual as they become reaccustomed to the school routine. This is of course especially true for our foundation students, who have been exceptional in the way they have started their school journey with us.
Let us make sure that we are all kind to ourselves and our little ones, and give ourselves the time that is required to adjust to the changes of the new year.
Marty Update
You will have received Marty's letter last week outlining how he is progressing with his recovery. We look forward to Marty being able to come back to see us at school in the coming weeks as he begins to make his transition back to work in such a way that will ensure that he is fully recovered before resuming his role full time.
Parents Association - Class Reps Needed!
Our Parents Association will hold their first meeting for the year on Tuesday, February 27 in the school staffroom.
One of the important Parents Association roles is that of Class Representative. Our Class Reps help to coordinate and communicate with the parents in their child's class and liaise with the classroom teacher around any assistance or involvement of the parents.
There are still a number of classes without volunteers and it is vital that we have a rep for each class. Please see the Parents Association Page for more details about the roles.
If you think you would be able to help in one of these roles, please email Jen McGrath:
2024 Staffing and Communication
We are so fortunate to not only have retained all of our wonderful staff this year, but our teachers have largely been able to continue in their exisiting roles, creating great consistency and consolidation of our year level teams.
Please find all staff email contacts on the Staff Contact Details page of the newsletter, which appears in each addition.
Thank you to all the families who have read and responded to the permissions and policies I have sent out over the past week.
Our staff work very hard to provide the best possible learning opportunities for your children. I would just like to reiterate our request that you respect the downtime of our staff in keeping correspondence with them between 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday. We ask that parents not email teachers on the weekend or during holiday periods.
Information Sharing with Parish Office
As part of our compliance with privacy regulations, we are obliged to inform you about the collection of personal information (such as: names, phone numbers (home and mobile), addresses and emails, medical details etc).
Only If you do not wish for your details to be shared with the parish, please complete and submit the form linked here by Friday February 9.
If you are happy for us to share your details, you do not need to complete the form.
Parent Teacher Meet and Greets - Tuesday Feb 13 (Yr 1 - Yr 6)
The teachers are very much looking forward to the opportunity to meet you and have a chat about your child next Tuesday. Please ensure that you have made an appointment through our School Interviews Online booking system.
If for some reason you are unable to make an appointment on this day, please notify the class teacher.
Foundation Info Evening - Thursday Feb 15, 7:30pm
Next Thursday the Foundation Team will be hosting an information session in the school hall for all Foundation parents and carers. This session will detail classroom routines, expectations and outline some of the curriculum covered in the students' first year at school.
A Special Welcome to all our New Families: An Invitation to our Welcome Mass Sunday Feb 25
We are very excited to have added a number of new families to our St Cecilia's community this year, with a significant number of families beginning with their first child in Foundation, along with a number of other new families joining us with children in other year levels.
On Sunday February 25, The Yr 6 Students and their Foundation Buddies will be hosting the 10:00am Mass in our Parish Church, and we would like to invite all families with students in these year levels to join us as well as any other new families to the school.
Following Mass there will be a sausage sizzle and some special games run by Kaboom Kids. This event is a great opportunity for us to welcome our new families and for new and existing families to connect with each other and celebrate their faith together.
Please click on the button below to RSVP so that we can organise catering and numbers for the planned activities.
Please make sure that you check out the rest of the newsletter for important information about all the goings on around the school and if you haven't yet, please follow our instagram for great up to the minute updates of the special moments taking place around our school.
Matthew Mooney
Acting Principal
St Cecilia’s Primary School