Occupational Health & Safety
~to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees~
Occupational Health & Safety
~to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees~
Please click this link. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.
"Electing a new OHS Deputy – Your Vote Counts!"
We require a new Deputy OHS Rep and it's a great opportunity for anyone who would like to be involved. If you're interested or know someone who would be a great fit, now's the time to step up.
If you are interested, please complete the nomination form emailed to everyone last week. Please complete the nomination form by close of business 20 FEB 2024.
When the votes are in, we'll announce our new OHS deputy and help them transition into their new responsibilities. Thanks to everyone who participates in this important process – your involvement makes our workplace safer and better for everyone.
Kindly remind any parents to ensure all required medical forms are updated either through diary messages or during your designated SSG meeting. This includes any asthma, allergies, medication taken etc.
The school has submitted an application for Commonwealth Funding to enhance playground facilities throughout the school, which may include the installation of shade sails. Until we receive confirmation of the outcome, it is important to adhere to SunSmart guidelines when using playgrounds with limited shade, such as the Bird's Nest area in Playground 3. As per our JSA SunSmart Policy we strongly encourage you to follow the guidelines in the policy to keep you and the students safe.
The fire blanket is used to cut off the oxygen supply to the fire, thereby putting it out. Fire blankets usually have two pull-down tails visible from outside the packaging. There will be a Fire Blanket Inspection this Thursday. Could ALL staff please make sure that the fire blanket is up in your classroom as Mary and Frances will be checking on Thursday. Please make sure your classroom's fire blanket is visible and stored near the door for easy access.
These calendars are packed with simple everyday actions you can take to build a happier world and make happiness a habit in your life.
Here is a link if you would like to download a copy for yourself.
An Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) noticeboard is crucial for workplace safety. It serves to communicate important information such as safety policies, emergency procedures, and hazard identification. The noticeboard is a central hub for promoting training programs, reporting procedures, and health initiatives. It helps maintain regulatory compliance and acts as a communication channel between management and employees.
Please note: The last OHS minutes are also there for you to read.
Please let me know if there is any information that you would like made available to you.
(as per JSA Term 1 Planner)
Week 6- Wednesday 6th March 2024
OH& S Meeting- New committee members to be appointed for various vacancies
Week 7 - Wednesday 13th March 2024
CPR Training - (approx-3:30-5:00pm approx)
This is the practical session and the online theory links are sent prior.
Week 8- Wednesday 20th March 2024
Level 2 First Aid Training - (approx 3:30-6:30pm approx)
Please note:
The sign-up sheet is now in the staffroom on the fridge. If there are staff listed who cannot attend, please cross your name off. Where there is a vacancy, staff are welcome to add their name to their preferred training.
14th February- Wear Red Day - Supporting awareness of heart disease.
17th February - Random Acts of Kindness Day 2024
Random Acts of Kindness Day is a day dedicated to promoting kindness and goodwill. It encourages individuals to perform simple, unexpected acts of kindness to brighten someone’s day and create a ripple effect of positivity. It’s a day to celebrate the power of kindness and compassion.