Principal's Report
Mrs Larissa Vesdrevanis
Principal's Report
Mrs Larissa Vesdrevanis
Welcome to Term 1, 2024! We've had a fantastic start to the term, with students settling in well to their new classes and getting to know their teachers and classmates. Our dedicated teachers have put in a lot of hard work to prepare and set up the classrooms, ensuring that each space is inviting and fosters a sense of belonging and inclusion.
A warm welcome goes out to all our Prep families and any new families joining the Donvale community. Our school is community-oriented, and we have no doubt that you will feel right at home in no time.
Here are some tips for parents for the first year of school
We are always here to support you, and open communication is key to building a strong partnership with us. We encourage you to connect with your child's teacher using either See Saw (P-4) or Google Classroom (5/6). These platforms serve as a means to connect you with your child's teacher and facilitate year-level and classroom-based communication. For whole school communication, we utilise Compass, our dedicated platform. The office staff and I will primarily use Compass Newsfeeds to communicate with you, so please ensure that the Compass app is accessible on your digital devices.
On Monday, we had our start-of-year curriculum day, where our primary focus was defining the school culture at Donvale. The staff and I engaged in meaningful work in this area, which will be incorporated into our professional learning sessions throughout the year. Together, we identified five words that depict the culture at Donvale: Collaborative, Progressive, Supportive, Valued, and Engaging! We share a strong collective vision for the success of our fabulous school, and together, we will continue to work towards achieving it.
Kind regards,
Larissa Vesdrevanis