From the Music Room…

Mrs Keep

“Without music life would be a blank to me” … Jane Austen


By engaging in our weekly Performing Arts sessions students have the opportunity to explore, create, work with their friends, learn to listen, play together, experiment with new instruments , and participate in choirs and marimba band while using both sides of their brain… all of this while having FUN! 

Each class has a 50 minute session weekly and there are other opportunities for students to engage in musical activities:

            Wednesday lunch time: Marimba Band (for year 5/6)

            Thursday lunch time: Junior Choir (for years1-3)

            Friday lunch time: Senior Choir (for years 4-6)

Students are encouraged to apply for the Captaincy of each of these programs.       

(Please write your submission & hand it in by Friday February 16th). 

Exciting news!

On Thursday February 15 we will be offering a whole school incursion with the dance program STOMP. Each class will learn a routine which will be performed at our WELCOME BACK BBQ that evening from 5-7pm. Please note that in order to participate during the day’s activities your child will need to pay $6. 

We hope to see you at many musical activities throughout the year! 


Anthea Keep