Year 5/6

Term 1 Beginnings
What an amazing start to the year we have had! All of the 5/6 students have settled in nicely to our classroom routines during our Learning to Learn program. As we now ramp up our learning programs, students will continue to be supported so that that they can find success in their learning. We can't wait to see them flourish throughout the year.
In Reading, students will be completing a novel study on the book Wonder, by R.J. Palacio. Students will analyse the structure of a narrative as they read this fantastic book about facing life's challenges and persevering through hardships.
In Writing, students will take inspiration from Wonder to write their own narrative. They will develop a character that they can define their character traits and features using descriptive language and identify a theme for their story based on lesson's their character learn as they go through the story.
In Maths, students are building their knowledge of the place value system, including the creation of numbers, breaking down or partitioning numbers into smaller parts, finding the number on a number line, and learning the features of numbers such as its factors and multiples.
This term in Humanities will be a focus on Geography, where students will be learning about the different continents of the world and the countries and cultures that can be found within those continents. They will research facts online, such as population, food, native animals etc. to help them grow their understanding of the wider world.
Pulse Wellbeing Check In (3-6 student community)
We are excited to start our PULSE wellbeing check in program for our 3-6 student community next week.
Please see the link below to view a short video explaining this program further.
Application download
Pulse works best with the app, which is downloadable for free from the App Store.
A few reminders:
- Students are required to bring in headphones that can be left at school. They do not need to be anything fancy, just something basic will be perfectly suitable.