Year 1/2

Welcome back!
The Grade 1/2s have made a fabulous start to the year. It has been wonderful getting to know your children. The students have been participating in a variety of activities to develop routines in the classroom and build relationships with new peers. We enjoyed seeing many of you at our open classroom session and family picnic. Please see below for a summary of what we have been learning in the 1/2 area over the last 3 weeks.
Students have eagerly been writing personal recounts with a focus on using punctuation correctly. They have shared experiences from their holidays, events that are special to them and shared experiences. Below are some examples of some wonderful writing pieces that were created this week!
Reading/ Sounds Write
This week, students have been picking their 'Just Right' books from our fully stocked classroom libraries. We have also reintroduced Sounds Write were very impressed to see students falling straight back into the routine. Our Grade 1s have been learning about the /ae/ sound and Grade 2s have been learning about the /air/ sound.
We have been learning all about making number patterns using skip counting. The 1/2 students have been participating in number games and exploring concepts through maths investigations.
We have had a big focus on student wellbeing across the school. In our classrooms we have introduced strategies to build relationships and create a safe and supportive learning environment. Some of the activities that the 1/2s have participated in include creating growth mindset Yetis, giving and receiving 'bucket fillers' and talking about the Learning Pit to build resilience. We have also implemented Morning Circles, which have been a hit with our students as it provides them with a positive and inclusive start to everyday.
It has been so wonderful seeing all of our 1/2s arriving at school with smiles on their faces, feeling safe and happy! Please reach out if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you to support your child's learning and wellbeing this year.
- Reading journals will be coming home with students, please fill in any home reading so it can be celebrated at school amongst peers.
- We kindly ask that all toys stay at home.
- Library will be every fortnight, please ensure that students are returning their library books (next library session; Tuesday 20/2).
- Please sign into your child's Seesaw to view pieces of work and smiles at school - if you need assistance please email your child's teacher. (We promise we won't overload you with notifications!)
- No hat, no play!
Kind regards,
The 1/2 team