RE News

Sacrament of Reconciliation
We have begun the preparations for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which will take place on Wednesday 20th March at 6pm in the Church. We will be having an Workshop Evening for Reconciliation on Wednesday 13th March at 7pm for all participants and their parents/guardians. This meeting will be held in the library.
For those families, whose children are not baptised in the Catholic Church and whose children will not be participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please note that you are most welcome to attend both evenings with your child if you wish.
Sacrament dates for 2024
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Wednesday 20th March - 6.00 pm
Sacrament of First Eucharist - Sunday 26th May - 10.30 am
Sacrament of Confirmation - Friday 16th August - 6.00 pm
Kate Hart
RE Leader