Catholic Identity

2024 Diocesean Theme
Our theme for our school year is from the book of Revelations ~ Behold, I Make All Things New. With Revelations being the final book in the Bible, there was a sense of beginning and end, of prophecy and fulfillment. Our 2024 theme is not so much about creating new things or “starting from scratch” as it is about finding new ways to give meaning to and celebrate what is precious in our Catholic traditions already.
St. Mel was instrumental in helping St. Patrick to bring Jesus Christ ~ Christianity to the people of Ireland. God was guiding both these saints in 'Making things anew' and bringing hope and renewal to the community of Ireland.
God of new beginnings, new ideas, new creations and new hopes,
We come to you at the beginning of this year with many feelings, expectations, hopes and dreams.
Help us to recognise that we are given NEW opportunities to hope, to create, to think and to begin again each and every day like St. Mel & St. Patrick.
Help us to accept these opportunities as ways for us to grow as an individual, as a student and a learner, as a friend, as a community member, as a follower of Jesus.
This we ask through Christ our Lord,
St. Mel's Feast Day
Happy St. Mel's Feast Day!
What a beautiful day celebrating with our School Community. The smiles on the children's faces showed the joy that was had throughout the day.
Today we focussed on ~ How can we be a 'St. Mel's' Community Member?
'Do our Best', 'Help others Succeed', 'Respect our School'. With our diocesan theme of 'Behold I make all things new'.
Our students made and used the symbol of the 'dove' to represent our theme 'Behold I make all things New', during our Feast Day Liturgy. As the dove symbolises peace, spirituality, hope, renewal, transformation, love & new beginnings. The symbol of the dove is seen many times in the bible. In the Old Testament in the Scripture of Noah's Ark, the dove serves to tell Noah that a time of peace and freedom has come. The flood/waters subsides. Peace, calm ~ a new start, a new earth, a new creation, new expectations, and new hope are now all generated by this beautiful symbol of peace & hope.
The dove is also a symbol of the Holy Spirit, we see this in the New Testament in the Scripture story of Jesus' baptism. The Holy Spirit is seen as the image of a dove ~ serving as a vessel for renewal and guidance. Also echoed in Andrew Chinn's new song for this theme, we are renewed by the spirit, protected, and comforted as we embark on this journey of hope and renewal. The Holy Spirit leads and guides us, illuminating our path with optimism and promise. The dove is a way that God shows His guiding hand and His lasting peace.
Our doves will be displayed in our hall for the year as a reminder of being a community of faith, hope, renewal, peace, love & new beginnings.
Thank you to the parents, carers and families who were able to join us for our liturgy. This was just the start of many more celebrations together this year. Thank you also to Fr Rene & Fr Ruel who were able to join us on our special day.
Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day ~ February 13th
Shrove Tuesday is a Christian tradition celebrated in many countries around the world. It falls on the Tuesday before the beginning of Lent (the day before Ash Wednesday) – a period of around six weeks leading up to Easter.
The name ‘Shrove' comes from the old word ‘shriving’, which means to listen to someone’s sins and forgive them.
In the past, Christians would go to church on Shrove Tuesday to participate in the sacrament of Reconciliation. Traditionally during Lent, Christians would give up rich, tasty foods such as butter, eggs, sugar and fat. Shrove Tuesday was the last chance to eat them – and what better way to do so than with a delicious pancake!
Does your family have a special Shrove Tuesday tradition?
Pancake Day is a St. Mel’s tradition ~ on Tuesday, Feb the 13th we will have a feast of pancakes. Please fill in the order form below to order your yummy pancakes. All proceeds will be donated to Caritas' Project Compassion Appeal.
Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.
Ash Wednesday – 14 February 2024
Ash Wednesday is the first day of the liturgical season of Lent. It always falls six and a half weeks before Easter, beginning the Lenten season of preparation for Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday. We begin the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday by preparing our hearts for Easter by recognizing our brokenness and need for conversion, a turning of our hearts to God.
We will celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass and receive the ashes on our foreheads. Please join us and our parishioners at 9.15am Mass on Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday also marks the beginning of the annual Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal. Donations to Project Compassion allow Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, to work with local communities around the world to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.
The theme of Project Compassion 2024 is ‘For All Future Generations’ and reminds us that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long-term solutions to global issues. We encourage you to put your compassion into action this Lent through your prayer, fasting and almsgiving by supporting Project Compassion. Each pastoral group has a Project Compassion box you can use to donate or you can donate online via the Caritas Australia website listed below.
Sacramental Candidates 2023/2024 ~
The first session is only three short weeks away, as we begin with our Adult Faith Development and Information evening for Confirmation and Eucharist. Looking forward to seeing the parents & carers of our Sacramental Candidates there.
Danae Napier
Deputy Principal / Religious Education Leader.