Prayers, Acknowledgements & Birthdays

St Mel’s Primary School would like to acknowledge the Yorta YortaNation, whose clans include Bangerang (Pangerang) Kaitheban, Wollithiga, Moira, Ulupna, Kwat Kwat,
Yalaba Yalaba and Ngurai-illiam-wurrung, and pay our respects as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our Education Community is situated.
God of new beginnings, new ideas, new creations and new hopes,
We come to you at the beginning of this year with many feelings, expectations, hopes and dreams.
Help us to recognise that we are given NEW opportunities to hope, to create, to think and to begin again each and every day like St. Mel & St. Patrick.
Help us to accept these opportunities as ways for us to grow as an individual, as a student and a learner, as a friend, as a community member, as a follower of Jesus.
This we ask through Christ our Lord,
Keep In your Prayers and Thoughts...
Please keep Nanette Micalleff (Year 3/4 Teacher) and Ayva Cirillo (Learning Support Officer) and their families in your thoughts and prayers at this time. Nanette's father Charlie sadly died this week after a short battle with cancer. Ayva recently lost someone close to her and has been away during the latter part of this week.
A number of staff are grieving the loss of a colleague from St. Francis' Primary School in Nathalia who recently died following a brave battle with cancer. Veronica 'Ronnie' Williams (Deputy Principal), a highly respected and valued member of the local Catholic education community will be sadly missed by many in Catholic education, especially her school community in Nathalia. Please keep members of our Staff Team in your thoughts and prayers at this time and the time ahead.
To any of our students, families, staff and school community who may be grieving the loss of a loved one.
To all our students and families who are currently unwell.
All our families, we pray to keep them safe and healthy as we commence this school year
Our teachers as they guide our learners in the Learning Suites
"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." Matthew 21:22
St Mel’s Parish Prayer
God our Father,
Bless our Parish so that we may love you more. Encircle our families with your loving care. Help parents to be good examples to their children and our youth to grow in strength as good Christians.
To the sick, grant health.
To the aged, bring serenity and to those in sorrow, joy.
May we grow stronger in faith and may our love for one another become
deeper in our daily living.
Celebrating Birthdays at St. Mel's
Happy Birthday to...
Mason Engledow, Alessio Natalizio, Manav Singh, Annelyse Johnson, Jack Piastri, Stella Campi, Lachlan Engledow, Genaro Tayong, Audrey Gacus, Morgan Gleeson, Jay Dicker, Viraj Sandu, Tom Munro, Aami Patel, Ryder Curtis Mill, Lila Emanuelli, Hayley Austen, Cooper Paine & Piper Barbary
These children have celebrated birthdays at the beginning of the new year!