Education in Faith

Sacrament Dates

Week 3 Lent - Sunday 3rd March


This Sunday we celebrate the Third Sunday of Lent.


The First Reading for Week 3 of Lent is about the Ten Commandments which tell us how to live in God’s ways. They are like a road map for life and show us the way to God.

If we stay on this path, whilst it will be difficult at times, we will know that it is the right thing to do and we will be truly happy.



Loving God, 

you are wiser than we can imagine,

and our greatest wisdom seems like foolishness to you.

May we honour and respect your word,

your name and all your holy people.

May we have willing hearts and minds

always ready to serve others generously.

We ask this prayer in Jesus’ name.

All: Amen.

Sacrament Dates 2024

Reconciliation Year 3MW and Year 3SL: Thursday 14th March 6.30 to 7.30pm

Reconciliation Parent/Child Workshop Evening: Tuesday 5th March 6.45 to 8.00pm

Year 4 First Eucharist: Parents will select from one of the following dates:

Saturday 8th June 6.00pm Mass

Sunday 9h June 10.30am Mass

Sunday 9th June 5.00pm Mass

Commitment Mass: Weekend of the 11th and 12th May

First Eucharist Parent/Child Workshop Evening: Tuesday 21st May 6.45 to 7.45pm

Medal Masses: Weekend of the 25th and 26th May

Confirmation Year 6: Wednesday 28th August

6DB 5.00pm Mass

6SL 7.00pm Mass

Commitment Mass: Weekend of the 10th and 11th August

Confirmation Parent/Child Workshop Evening: Tuesday 13th August 6.45 to 7.45pm

Confirmation Reflection Day: Thursday 15th August

Medal Masses: Weekend of the 24th and 25th August