Parents & Friends

It takes a village to raise a child. 

Second Hand Uniform Stall

St Justin's Parents and Friends will be holding a second hand uniform stall Tuesday 5th March 3:15pm - 3:45pm.   (PLEASE NOTE: All second hand items are $5 each!) 


If you have any good quality (not torn, covered in paint, stained or ripped) second hand donations, please place them in the bucket that is located outside the staff room.

The proceeds from the 2nd hand uniform stall will be used to support excursions and incursions throughout the year. 

CALLOUT!!! If any body has any clothes racks for the second hand stall we could borrow for the day that would be greatly appreciated.   Please bring them to the office on Monday (ensure your name is on it!) and we'll be happy to hold it for the P&F Ladies who have so generously donated their time. 


Bakers Delight Hot Cross Buns


Parents and Friends Meeting

Thank to everyone who was able to attend our first Parents and Friends Meeting on Tuesday night. Whilst we didn't have a big turn out, we were able to fill some positions and plan some activities for the yeasr ahead.


If you have any questions about the Parents & Friends Committee, please email Andrea at

Class Representatives

We are looking for volunteers to act as Class Representatives (preferably 2 from each class). The Class Representatives will liaise with the class teachers and help communicate information to the class parents. If you are interested in this role please email the P&F at with your name, contact email and mobile phone details, and child/children’s class and a member of the team will be in contact.



Working Bee – Saturday 3rd March 

A flyer with details are attached to this newsletter – everyone welcome.


St Justin’s Open Day – Thursday 7th March

We would love a few parent helpers to help serve coffee/tea and speak to prospective new parents during Open Day. More details will be released about this soon!!

Kiosk Friday

P&F are looking for some volunteers to run Kiosk Friday. 


All volunteers must have a current Working With Children Check, be registered with

St Justin’s school and have completed the Volunteer application process.


Your help and support is always appreciated. 




Please note that all volunteers at St Justin's must have a Working With Children Check:

If you don't have a WWCC, please follow the link to apply

If you have a WWCC, follow this link to register as a volunteer at St Justin's (click on the green box in the top right hand side)

If you are VIT Registered, follow this link to register as a volunteer at St Justin's