Religious Education

Mr Ray Hickey


Class Masses for Term One  






6th March

3/4 B & 5/6 B


13th March

3/4 G & 5/6 G


20th March

School Closure


27th March 


All family members are welcome to attend our class masses. We look forward to seeing you there. 


A reminder the Year 1/2 classes are holding their TAPITAS for Caritas on Friday 1 March. Everyone is encouraged to purchase a paper water droplet for a $1 gold coin donation. 

The Prep classes are organising Crazy Sock Day on Friday 8 March. Everyone is encouraged to wear crazy socks for the day and donate a $1 gold coin. During the day, students will focus their learning on what they are thankful for and acknowledge that some things we take for granted are not as easily achievable for some communities. 

The purpose of these FUNdraising events is to raise money for Project Compassion, which Caritas Australia uses to support communities in need. 


This week the students focused on Mark's Gospel story of The Transfiguration of Jesus. Ask them to share their understandings of this Gospel reading and the information they are learning about Project Compassion, especially Ronita's story from the Philippines. 


Our Year Three students are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation this term. They attended a Family Faith Evening last Thursday and participated in a Reconciliation Reflection Day on Wednesday. As part of their Reflection Day, the students attended the 10.00 am weekday Mass with parishioners and received a special blessing from Fr Laurence at the conclusion of the Mass. Thank you to the parents, caregivers, Deacon Malcolm and school staff for assisting in the faith development of our students. 

Please continue to pray for the students as they prepare for the next step in their faith journey. 

The Year 3 students will complete the Sacrament of Reconciliation in St Michael's Church on the evening of Wednesday 13 March.