"Reading is Magic"

Book Week 2024


 "The library is not just full of books, but also opportunities."  

Abbey 2016



Even at the swimming carnival - reading in between races.



New books are arriving all the time. Please ensure your child has a library bag so they can enjoy these reads at their leisure at home.

LUNAR NEW YEAR - Year of the Dragon

Thankyou to the Newton family, Anastasia and Willow for loaning us their beautiful dragon. Lots and lots of dragon books to enjoy.


ASLA (Australian School Library Association) is pleased to be joining with British-Australian children's author Kate Foster and international children's and young adult author Dee White to promote the Author Pen Pals initiative. 

Building connections between authors and schools encourages and supports children to read and write.

This year each primary grade has been allocated an Australian author penpal. Students have brainstormed important information that they feel their author penpal should know about our school and where we live. This will be mailed to the author and they will answer the student's questions. In turn, the students will read and immerse themselves in the author's books. The students will continue to communicate throughout the year receiving a well-informed view of the life of their author.

Here is a list of the classes and authors:

Yr 3: Ashleigh Barton     

       Yr 4: Tania Cox 

Yr 5: Kathryn Apel 

                  Yr 6: Jo Sandhu 

In addition...

Author Backpack 

This term the students are enjoying texts written by Australian author Nathan Luff as part of an initiative known as the Backpack Project initiated by the PLCC (Primary Libraries Creative Collaboration). The back pack contains copies of Nathan's books, writing tips, a bio, posters and "Luff Challenges". Lots of fun and engagement around encouraging students to read for pleasure and enjoyment.





MONDAY - Kindergarten, Yr 4

TUESDAY - Yr 2, Yr 5


THURSDAY - Yr 1, Yr 6 


Thank you to the people who have contacted me so far.


If you would like to come for a quick "lesson" please make contact through email or your child.


Book Busters has resumed for the year.

BOOK BUSTERS CLUB is an optional early morning reading club for students who wish to come into the cool library before school to read.

CHOICE = Motivation 

"The strongest positive impact on reading engagement and learning gains come from student self-selection of reading materials. When reading materials are selected for students the links to engagement and learning gain decline significantly." 


How Reading Motivation and Engagement Enable Reading Achievement: Policy Implications, Ana Taboada Barber and Susan Lutz Klauda


When students visit the library a huge emphasis is placed on the 

premise that they have


in what they can read and borrow. 


In the library we are safe online and respectful of each other and the technology.


Please follow the steps:

  1. Write your name, class and CB / iPad number neatly in the book.
  2. Sit where Mrs McGuirk, or a Library Leader can walk behind you.
  3. Always log in on your chromebook using your school login.

Cool maths games, coding - scratch, worldbookonline, 

Google classroom - class work 

SORA, World Book ebooks.


Tech Free Friday

Library OPEN

If you would like to access another site, please ask Mrs McGuirk first.


Please note a LIBRARY BAG is the first item on your child's equipment list for this year.

Thank you for ensuring your child has a library bag. I have some spares and will issue these to students next week who have not yet presented with a bag.


LIBRARY BAGS MATTER...  Not just some of the time but all of the time.


No food or drink on my books.

Food and drink are for the chooks.

Library bags keep ‘em clean.

Books are cool don’t treat ‘em mean.

Bring your bag every time.

Fill it up and get in line.

Have it scanned and scoot on out.


We all shout.

J. McGuirk



Ask your child about the bookmark which provides home access for World eBooks and Worldbook online.


If you have not logged on and had a browse around, sit down with your child and ask them about it. I'm sure all primary-aged students will be able to show you some of the features.


UPDATED - SORA - easy access guide 

Download the free App to access this online reading resource provided for us by the Catholic Schools Office. Your family will have access to thousands of books 24/7.



   Sora -  get free ebooks and audiobooks from your school.

Step 1: Install Sora app from  Apple App Store or Google Play Store, or


Step 2: When in Sora, click on I have a setup code -  “setup” code is cenetau

then sign in.


Sign into your School – Select your school -  ACEN


Step 3: Browse the tab and  borrow a book. Your book will open so you can start reading right away.


Step 4: Close the book and go to see all your books (including assignments). From there, you can:

  • Select Open book or Open audiobook to read or listen to the book.
  • Select Options to renew or return the book, see your notes and highlights, and more. 

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