The PT&F AGM was held on Monday 26th and was well attended.


Big thanks to the following people for taking up positions on the committee. Thanks also to all those who served on the committee in 2023.


·   President – Hana Skilton (Mother of Elijah Year 5 and Sebastian Year 3)

·   Vice President – Michelle Drury (Mother of Nate Year 5 and Oscar Year 3)

·   Secretary –  no nominations

·  Treasurer – Leanne Cannon (Mother of Lily Year 5, Georgia Year 3 and Ruby Kindy)

·  School Advisory Representative – Bec Johnson (Mother of Madeline Year 6 and Eli Year 4)


If you are interested in the secretary position, please reach out to anyone in the PT&F. We would appreciate someone stepping up to take on this role. Support and ’on the job training’ is plentiful!


Parent year representative positions are being finalised. We sincerely thank those who have stepped forward. At this stage we are still looking for a Kindy, Yr 2 and Yr 4 representative. Please email or reach out to a committee member if you would like to be a parent year rep. in 2024.


Meeting minutes will be available in the next newsletter.


Colour Run is our biggest and brightest event of the year!


It is also our major fundraiser for the year, so we encourage you to raise some funds for the St Nicholas School’s wonderful facilities and PT&F activities.


Great prizes and the opportunity to slime the teachers for good fundraisers!!


Look out for more details of the colour run coming home with students soon, and via compass.


Please use the link attached to register. 


In the meantime, save the date - 22nd March 5-8 PM 

On behalf of the PT&F welcome back for 2024 and a special welcome to our new families!


New Email Address

Please note the PT&F are transitioning to a new email. Our new email is


Got an idea, thought or opinion? 

Send us an email


Send us a message through

the St Nicholas School PT&F Facebook page