

Dear Parents,


We hope this newsletter finds you well. As we begin a new school year, we want to emphasize the importance of developing social skills in our primary school students.


Good social skills enhance children's overall wellbeing and play a crucial role in their academic success and future relationships. 


Why Are Social Skills Important? 

Social skills are essential for effective communication, building friendships, and navigating various social situations. Children with strong social skills are more likely to succeed academically, work collaboratively, and resolve conflicts peacefully. Investing time and effort into developing these skills can empower our children to thrive socially, emotionally, and academically. How Can You Support the Development of Social Skills at Home?


1. Encourage Emotional Intelligence: Help your child understand and manage their own emotions by labelling feelings, discussing emotions in different situations, and modelling healthy emotional expression.


2. Teach Active Listening: Promote active listening skills by encouraging your child to maintain eye contact, focus on the speaker, and respond appropriately. Practice active listening at home during family conversations or while reading books together.


3. Foster Empathy: Nurture empathy in your child by discussing different perspectives and encouraging them to consider how others may feel in various situations. Encourage acts of kindness and teach the importance of helping and supporting others.


4. Practice Problem-Solving: Teach your child problem-solving skills by engaging them in age-appropriate discussions and scenarios. Encourage critical thinking and brainstorming solutions together.


5. Role-play Social Situations: Create opportunities for your child to practice social skills through role-playing. Pretend to be different characters and act out challenging situations they may encounter at school or in daily life.


6. Promote Active Participation: Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular activities, clubs, or community events where they can meet new people and develop social connections. This helps build confidence and exposes them to diverse social situations.


Support from School:


At SJW, we recognize the significance of social skills development. Our teachers incorporate activities and lessons throughout the school year that promote teamwork, communication, and respectful interactions. We also provide guidance and support when addressing social challenges that arise. We appreciate your partnership in nurturing your child's social skills. By working together, we can help our students become confident, empathetic, and well-rounded individuals.


If you have any questions or would like additional resources on social skills development, please do not hesitate to reach out to m.


Thank you for your continued support and dedication to your child's growth and development.


Warm regards,



Connie Bof

Wellbeing Leader