A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,
I cannot believe how quickly the term is going. The students are working hard, and in the coming weeks, we are busy with school photographs, Naplan, MLA Camp and our Year 3 students will celebrate their first of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
We are still sending a number of students home most days due to illness and l ask families to remain vigilant in keeping an eye out for symptoms of any illness, including COVID. Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell.
Special thanks to our wonderful P & F group for organising our Tarantella evening last Tuesday evening. It was a fabulous evening for everyone who attended, enjoying wonderful dancing, delicious food and the opportunity to catch up with members of our community. Thanks to Sera De Pace for her organisation of this event.
Congratulations to Cara, Jeremy and Piper on the safe arrival of baby Freya Nadine.
School Photos
A reminder that School photos will be taken next Wednesday, 6th March. Children will wear their full summer uniform for photos. Students do not need to wear the school jumper or hat for the photos. Students may have their hair out for photos, but it should be tied back afterwards. If your child has PE on Tuesday, they will do it in their school uniform. Please send their runners to school in their bag and students will change into them prior to their lesson.
2024 Prep Enrolments
We have already had a considerable number of enrolment applications for Prep in 2024. I encourage families who have a child they wish to enrol for next year to submit an enrolment application ASAP. Existing families are guaranteed a place, but you must submit an enrolment form. Please drop in at the office and collect an enrolment pack. We have our first school tour next Tuesday for interested families.
Morning Drop Off
A friendly reminder to all parents that our drive though in the morning is a ‘stop and drop’ zone. If you need to get out of the car to assist your child, please park in the parking areas. Parents often complain to me about the lack of consideration by a small number that affects many others. In the spirit of working together, l ask parents to ensure that they park if they need to support their child at the drop off.
Also please note that there is no parking outside the school hall during morning drop off. It is very dangerous for vehicles to reverse back into our stop and drop zone as this could impact on the safety of members in our community. If you need to park, please park in the parking bays.
Mobile Phones at School
It has come to my attention that some students are not handing in mobile phones or smart watches at the beginning of the day. Please note that all students who bring their mobile phones or wear smart watches to school must drop them off at the office at the beginning of the day and collect them at the end of the day. Students are not to use their phones whilst on the school grounds. Please consider the necessity of your child having their phone at school. Any watches that can take videos or photos are not permitted to be worn with the school uniform and must be handed into the office at the beginning of the day and collected at the end of the day.
Child Safety
As a matter of child safety, parents are reminded that the school’s duty of care regarding supervision of students begins at 8.30am and concludes at 3.30pm. No child should ever be left unattended outside the school outside of these times. If parents need to drop their children at school early, they will need to book their child into our out of school hours program run by Theircare. Theircare offers both before and after care and parents can register online and make bookings via their website https://theircare.com.au.
Everyday counts
Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day and missing school puts them behind. We all want our students to get a great education and the building blocks for a great education begins with students coming to school each and every day. If your child is going to be away from school, please contact the office before 9.00 a.m. and if intending to take extended leave from school, please email principal@sjwreservoirnth.catholic.edu.au
The key to prevention of anaphylaxis in schools is knowledge of those students who have been diagnosed at risk, awareness of triggers (allergens) and prevention of exposure to these triggers. Partnership between schools and parents is important in ensuring that we remain up to date with medical management requirements of all students.
Special thanks to parents of students who are at risk of anaphylaxis, for updating their medical management plans. If you are still to complete this, please contact Michele to ensure that your child/ren’s management plan is reviewed and updated now.
Please keep our Year 3 students in your prayers as they are currently preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday, 20th March.
3-Way Conversations
Our 3-way conversations are scheduled for Wednesday, 27th March and Thursday, 28th March.
On Wednesday, 27th March, students will be dismissed at 1.15pm with 3-way conversations beginning at 2.00pm and concluding at 5.30pm. 3-way conversations will resume on Thursday, 28th March at 8.45am and conclude at 1.15pm. Please note that Theircare will be running from 1.15pm on Wednesday and available on Thursday. Further information regarding this will be shared closer to this event.
Parent Helpers Course
In coming weeks, we will be holding our parent course session for any parent who would like to assist as a volunteer in classrooms. Attendance is compulsory if you wish to help as you will learn about the roles and responsibilities and expected behaviors of volunteers who work with children in our school. A note will be sent to all families next Monday with further details.
Working With Children Checks
The Working with Children Check (WWC) is a screening process for assessing or re-assessing people who work with or care for children in Victoria.
It is important to ensure that your WWC is current and up to date to be able to assist in our school when volunteers are permitted. Visit https://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/ to update, renew or apply for a card.
Once you have received a new card, please take a photo of your card and email it to the school office: michele.hides@sjwreservoirnth.catholic.edu.au
CSEF Applications
If you have a Health Care Card, please fill in the attached CSEF application form and email it to the school on marisa.paras@sjwreservoirnth.catholic.edu.au
Link to CSEF Application Form https://www.education.vic.gov.au/Documents/about/programs/health/CSEF-Application-Form-2020.pdf.
If you have already submitted a CSEF form for 2024, you do not need to resubmit this form.
May St Joseph the Worker continue to bless and watch over everyone in our community.
Kind regards,
Maria Barnes
A Lenten Prayer
Loving God, you are with us always.
Bless us as we travel on this Lenten journey.
Bless our minds so that we may think of you. Show us how to think of others.
Bless our eyes so that we may see the good things in our lives.
Bless our ears so that we may hear your word and truly live it.
Bless our hands so that we may be willing to help and support others.
Bless our feet so that we may be willing to walk in another’s shoes.
Bless our hearts so that we may know your love and show it to others.