Early Childhood News

(Pre-Kindy to Year 2)

Our New Kindy Playground!

Our Kindy playground is open! Our Kindy children have enjoyed exploring their new space. The Pre-Primary students even popped in for a play! 


A popular addition to the Kindy playground is the swing set. Swings have been a favourite in playgrounds for many generations, providing not only entertainment but also a host of developmental advantages for children. 


Physical Development


Gross Motor Skills: Swinging promotes the development of gross motor skills as children learn to coordinate their body movements. Pushing off the ground, maintaining balance, and controlling the swinging motion all contribute to the enhancement of these crucial skills. This, in turn, helps in activities such as walking, running, and playing sports.


Muscle Strength and Endurance: Swinging engages various muscle groups, including those in the legs, arms, and core. The repetitive motion of swinging helps build muscle strength and endurance, contributing to a child's overall physical fitness.


Balance and Coordination: Balancing on a swing requires coordination and a sense of equilibrium. As children learn to control their movements on the swing, they develop better balance and coordination, skills that are essential for everyday activities.

Cognitive Development


Spatial Awareness: Swinging encourages children to understand spatial relationships as they learn to navigate the swing's motion. This awareness is crucial for activities such as understanding directions, following maps, and even excelling in subjects like mathematics.


Sensory Integration: The swinging motion stimulates the vestibular system, which contributes to sensory integration. This sensory input helps children process information from their environment, leading to improved attention, concentration, and overall cognitive function. 

Emotional and Social Development


Joy and Relaxation: Swinging is a joyful activity that can bring a sense of happiness and relaxation to children. The experience of swinging through the air provides a unique sensation that can help alleviate stress and promote emotional well-being.


Social Interaction: Swings encourage social interaction between children. Collaborative swinging activities, such as tandem swinging or group swinging, promote teamwork, communication, and cooperation, as well as learning to wait your turn! 


Risk Taking: Swings can be slightly unpredictable and scary to begin with. Mastering the art of swinging boosts a child's self-esteem and confidence. As they conquer the challenges of balancing and coordinating their movements, children gain a sense of accomplishment that extends to other aspects of their lives.