From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Caregivers


It was wonderful to come together last week to celebrate Ash Wednesday and the commencement of Lent as a school community. Thank you to Fr Bona and Fr Felipe for celebrating the mass with us. Thank you to all who participated in today's Bread and Butter Day and for your gold coin donations that will be sent to Caritas Australia - Project Compassion at the end of Lent. 


It was awesome to see so many parents and caregivers at the first P&F Meeting last week. Looking forward to continuing to work together to build community and raise some funds along the way that will be used to purchase resources that will directly benefit all our students at St Helena's. Keep an eye out for the next meeting and any call outs for volunteers to up and coming events. 


The students and staff are getting very, very excited about our Colour Run on Friday 1 March. It is great to see so many of our students have signed up. Please do so this week if you are yet to sign up. Remember, all funds raised will go towards resources for our students. Further information about the day is in the P&F News section of the newsletter.



We also held our first Catholic School Advisory Council Meeting last night. I am looking forward to working with the 2024 Advisory Council, whose role is to support me as Principal, to plan for the present and future operation of St Helena's. We are very appreciative of the time and commitment of our P&F Executive and Catholic School Advisory Council members in supporting the school community.


We are very lucky at St Helena's to once again offer various extra-curricular activities that our staff are happy to coordinate and facilitate. Our choir is taking shape with Miss Robinson and our Mini Vinnies team is already working with Ms Conama on initiatives. Our Garden Club is growing with Mrs White, and there is always excitement around the gardens. 


All welcome to attend our Neumann Liturgy on Tuesday 27 February at 10:00am in the Undercover Area. Our Neumann students and staff will be enjoying a Sausage Sizzle lunch on the day as well!


Don't forget to save the date for our P&F Welcome Sundowner - Friday 8 March from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. A new RSVP form will be sent out next week.


Planning is underway to celebrate our 25th Anniversary of Catholic Education at St Helena's this year. We will share further information in the coming weeks.


A reminder for families with children enrolling in Kindergarten in 2025, please take the time to look at the information in the enrolment section of the newsletter. Enrolment Interviews will be commencing soon.


Are you following us on Facebook or Instagram? We have some great posts about all the wonderful things going on at St Helena's. Get on board and follow us! As always, communication will always be directly communicated via the school to our parents and caregivers. Our Facebook and Instagram is our platform to advertise and celebrate all the wonderful things that we do. 




Our Vision for Learning at St Helena's Catholic Primary School 

is focused on the following four pillars. 



As a community united in faith and trust, St Helena’s Catholic Primary School seeks to provide a nurturing and diverse learning environment where all are inspired to live the ideal of doing Something Beautiful for God.



Pillar One: Christ Centred - Catholic Identity

At St Helena’s, we value the visible expression of our Catholic identity 

and actively give witness to the values of the Gospel.


Pillar Two: Collaboration - Community

At St Helena’s, we value staff, students, parents, caregivers, parish and the 

wider community working together to support each person 

to become the person God intended them to be.


Pillar Three: Voice & Engagement - Education

At St Helena’s, we value evidence-based teaching and learning practices that are respectful and responsive to the diverse needs of all learners in an ever-changing world.


Pillar Four: Safety & Respect -Stewardship

At St Helena’s, we value each individual and act with concern for the 

physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of all members of our community.



At St Helena's, we are a Christ-centred and a child-focused community, always striving to do Something Beautiful for God.


Peace & Happy Days!


Santino Giancono




Click here for a brief history or St Helena's Catholic Primary School, providing a Catholic Education in Ellenbrook since 1999.