
Student wellbeing is a priority at MGSC. The Wellbeing team is a multidisciplinary team who collaborate and communicate to address the whole school wellbeing needs. The role of the student wellbeing team at MGSC encompasses a variety of responsibilities that works using evidence based practices to support students when onsite.
At MGSC students have access to a number of additional free or low cost counselling and youth supports
Kingston Youth Service visiting Psychologists
Kingston Youth Services offers individual online or phone support services for young people aged 12-25 who have a connection to the City of Kingston. This support includes both Youth Work and Counselling.
Here at MGSC we have visiting Psychologists co-located on selected days and times. You will find all the necessary details here https://kingstonyouth.org.au/youth-support-and-counselling/
Headspace Bentleigh offers free or low-cost services, where young people aged 12-25 can access qualified mental health professionals, youth-friendly GPs, drug and alcohol counsellors, vocational service providers and the specialist early psychosis program. headspace Bentleigh is operated by Alfred Health. All headspace services are funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Headspace Bentleigh is conveniently located near Moorabbin station. To access the supports and services please call (03) 9076 9400 or visit the website https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/bentleigh/
The early in help program
The Early Help Brief Support Program is aimed at assisting families with linkage into appropriate ongoing services and support to access programs and activities within their community. Supporting families to help them try and solve problems by providing the right support, at the right time. Aiming to reduce isolation and building confidence to keep families strong. A family worker is co-located at MGSC each Monday during the school term, if you wish to talk to the practitioner please contact family life, https://www.familylife.com.au/contact-us/
For family supports offered by Family Life please visit, https://www.familylife.com.au/
Wellbeing team