Principal's Message

Welcome back everyone!
Students and staff have all settled into school life once again and our Year 12 students are embracing the challenges of their final year of VCE.
The Year 12 and Year 7 students were the first students to be onsite on Tuesday 30 January. The Year 12 students attended their one-day conference where they listened to guest speakers and how to prepare for study in their final year and they then commenced their classes on the Wednesday.
Our Year 7 students were inducted into the school by way of a two-day orientation program where they were connected to the network, took part in “getting to know you” activities and how to manage their time for the year ahead.
The Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 students had their first day of school on the 1st of February and we welcomed the Year 7’s with a round of applause as they entered the gymnasium for the first whole school assembly for the year. We also welcome thirty-seven new students in Year 8 to 12.
In addition to our local students, we welcomed seven new International students to the college making the total number of International students ten. We have an additional ten students expected to commence at MGSC in semester 2. It is promising to see our International Student numbers increase. They add a global perspective to our college.
Two-thirds of our students travel from outside the local area. So out of approximately 1,000 students, that means approximately 670 students come from outside the local area. That means that the wider community views MGSC as an excellent school where every child from everywhere experiences success.
We are celebrating our exceptional results in 2023. At MGSC:
- Year 9 students achieved excellent NAPLAN results when compared to other schools in our network.
- Our Year 9 NAPLAN results were only surpassed by Melbourne High School and MacRobertson Girls’ High School (select entry schools) in our network.
- Our exceptional 2023 VCE results placed Mentone Girls’ Secondary College in the top one hundred schools in the state (including Independent and Catholic schools).
- We are now ranked as the 19th best performing government school in the state!
- If the select entry schools are removed, we were the 13th best performing government school in the state.
- Ninety-seven percent of our students have an offer, and sometimes two, for tertiary courses. That is a wonderful result.
I congratulate our graduating class of 2023 for their “courage and work” (which is our school motto).
In addition to this I congratulate our teachers who have built the capacity of our students over their six years at the college. A special mention also goes out to the Year 12 teachers of 2023 who supported the Year 12 students throughout their final year.
I also want to acknowledge the leadership of Candice Prior and Georgie Grubb, our School Captains in 2023 for their Leadership of the school.
In addition to being a school captain, Candice was also on School Council as a student representative. Candice’s twin sister, Elloise Prior, was also on School Council as a student representative in 2023, was also our Dux of 2023 who achieved an astounding ATAR of 99.10.
Much of these results can be attributed to the collegiate work that our teachers undertake on a regular basis. At MGSC we expect all teachers of the same subject to collaborate to plan, deliver and review the curriculum to ensure that there is consistency across classes. When teachers work together the whole cohort of students in that subject benefit.
Best wishes
Linda Brown