The Fun Week That Was in Prep! 

Welcome to our new students in Prep: 

Vera and Axel have settled in really well with the kind smiles and hearts from our Preps who have been thrilled with their arrival to our cohort. Both their vibrant and positive energy has been a very welcome addition to the team and we look forward to the many memories we will foster as a group! 


Congratulations to our Student Of The Weeks (Week 3): 

Chloe – for her ambition in being organised and being laser focused in her learning. 

Lachlan C – for his creativity in great colouring in and great attention to detail. 



Each week our students are introduced to two new sounds. This week we have enjoyed meeting our two new characters from the Little Learners Love Literacy Program – Peter the Penguin which helps us remember the /p/ sound and Tim the turtle who helps us remember the /t/ sound. We wonder if students can find objects and things around them that begin with the /p/ and /t/ sound. We went around the school and looked for things that began with these sounds and found: person, pole, pen, 

We found a person – Bradley in Year 5 

And of course the playground 


We found the colour Teal 

And lots of trees! But we love this big beautiful one! 


Numeracy Counting, counting and counting! We have been practising lots of counting activities with a focus on one-to-one correspondence. Further to this, we focused on writing the numbers 3, 4 and 5 correctly. 

As we have been learning the correct number formation we have accompanying phrases you can practise at home too: 


A friendly reminder Prep library day is Monday – therefore please remember to pack your child’s library books for Monday to return in their reader pouch. 



Please read through the homework menu carefully and reach out to your classroom teacher if you have any questions. This week we are sending home students Mathletics log in with their homework – there is no set tasks on Mathletics for students yet – just allowing them to explore the program at their own pace. 



A friendly reminder to please read through the School Visiting Nurse pack sent home and via COMPASS. Belinda will be back again to see those with returned consent. 

Teacher Parent Interviews take place in week 6 – bookings for this open via COMPASS on Monday the 26th of February – if you have any questions of troubles with booking please speak to your classroom teacher.