What's been happening this week? 


Congratulations to Emmett and Dariah who have been selected to represent Australia as Junior Ambassadors at the Asian Pacific Childrens Convention in Japan!  

In July they will travel to Fukuoka, Japan where they will attend a camp with 200 eleven-year-old children from 40 regions around the Asia Pacific. This is followed by a homestay with a Japanese family where they will get a taste for daily life and school in Japan.

It is a fantastic opportunity to make friends with kids all over the world, learn more about Japan and Japanese culture, and represent Box Hill North Primary School, and Australia. Well done Emmett and Dariah and we look forward to hearing about your trip!  In the below photo, Emmett and Dariah will be one of the kids behind the banner Fukuoka, Japan in July, 2024!


The Year 1/2s had a wonderful time during the open afternoon. We enjoyed sharing some games we have been playing at school to learn ‘homophones’ and ‘friends of ten.’ It was lovely to share our learning spaces with our wonderful parents and grandparents. 


Congratulations to our Japanese Calligraphy Artists! 

Each year, students in Year One to Six have the opportunity to complete an entry for the Victorian Japanese Calligraphy Competition. It is always very impressive to see the ambition shown by students as they challenge themselves to do their best and to see the courage they display to persevere to complete their entry.  

We received the results for the 2023 competition and congratulate the following BHNPS students who placed in the top 3 in the state in the pencil division. 


Year 1 and 2 Division:

1st Place: Jun

2nd Place: Akshara

3rd Place: Aaron


Year 3 and 4 Division:

2nd  Place: Genevieve

3rd Place: Felix


Year 5 and 6 Division:

3rd Place: Daniel


Our Grade 6 students, our Future Leaders, enjoyed a stimulating day at the Melbourne Convention Centre listening to inspirational speakers!


In Year 1/2 we are focusing on how we can improve our resilience! This ties into our school mantra for the year to ‘dare to learn’.  The students were introduced to the Bounce Back Bear and talked about how being thankful can help us bounce back. A fact sheet will be sent home next week as part of homework. We encourage you to speak to your child about what you are thankful for and how you show resilience at home! 


Well done to Zach and Riarn on a terrific effort running assembly last Friday!  Also, well done to some of our parents and students who participated in a "scissor, paper, rock" challenge involving hoops and hopping!


It was Swifty pandemonium last Friday on the eve of the first Taylor Swift concert with friendship bracelets being made, sparkles everywhere and "Shake It Off" playing at lunchtime!