Catholic Identity

St. Mary’s Charism Day


Last Thursday, throughout the day our learners experienced a variety of lessons around our unique Charism. They described what our 6 core values at St. Mary’s are, look like and feel like. Learners researched their house colour Saints and worked collaboratively with all year levels. A ‘Charism’ is like a living spiritual gift given through the grace of the Holy Spirit. It is a way of living or doing, inspired by Jesus, which links us to God. Enabling followers of Jesus to become powerful agents of God’s love and presence in the world. Empowering us as Christians to represent Christ and to be a channel of God’s goodness for people. Our St. Mary’s School charism and cultural heritage plays a significant role in shaping our Catholic identity, guiding our Catholic mission and fostering a sense of belonging. 

Learners were given the opportunity to find out about our school founders the Brigidine Order and the Augustinian Priests who established our school in 1886. Our five precincts at St. Mary’s School are named after the Brigidine Sisters. They arrived from Tullow, Ireland to begin provision of our faith based education that we are a part of today. Pictured below are the four founding nuns: Mother Vincent Brennan, Mother Thomas Healy, Mother Borgia Hayden, Mother Benedict Moore and two ‘novices’ are also pictured. We are indebted, for their tireless efforts and work in fundraising for our first school building, now our Parish hall (situated near Aldi Supermarket) and the education of Echuca’s early population. St. Mary’s Learners will finalise their Religious Education Units, with an Assesment component and move towards learning more about Lent in the coming weeks.





Project Compassion


Throughout Lent we invite all parents, guardians and our learners to participate in making a positive impact through Caritas’ Project Compassion. A social justice campaign that we can all contribute to making the world a better and more just place for all. Learners will again be able to raise awareness and funds with Caritas K’s as we walk around our Soccer pitch each Friday. Any coin donation accepted.


Easter Raffle


Each year at St. Mary’s we hold an annual Easter Raffle of which the proceeds go to our fundraising efforts for Caritas. We ask that each family donates: eggs, bunnies, Easter craft, or a book. We then use all donated items, put them together and wrap them in cellophane for prizes! Last year we were so amazed at the generosity of families and we had lots of prizes to give out!. The raffle ticket books will be sent home with the oldest learner, early next week and can be sold to family and friends for $1. per ticket. Please keep an eye out for the booklets to be coming home in your learners bags. We ask that all money, raffle tickets and donations, be brought to the front office. The raffle winners will be announced at our upcoming family BBQ. Thanking you all in advance for your support of this social justice cause. 


Lots of Upcoming Parish Events to Look Forward to.