Student Achievements

In The Spotlight!

Prep Roberts - Dusty

Prep Richey/Alderman - Dakota

Prep Uccello - Harvey

Prep Le Cerf - Frankie

Prep Jones - Charlie

1AG - Hamish

1JB - Lino

1AD - Alex

1CE - Oliver

1SA - Jax

1RA - Rufus

2JN - Eyan

2SB - Lenny

2SD - Leah

2WL - Timothy

2MS - Talia

2NW - Amelia

3JN - Harvey

3LM - Jack

3PK - Emilia

3PD - William

3ME - Remi

4AC - Nikolaas

4TG - Nash

4BB - Amaya

4SS - Charlotte

4EC - Cameron



WOW Awards


1SD- to Lenny F for his entertaining narrative about a lost dog called Rufus.


2WL - Mitch G for pushing himself to expand on his ideas while writing his story.


3PD - Beau M- What a huge effort you have made this week with your writing! 

Ebony L- It is lovely to see you enjoying writing sessions so much!



Maths Mindset Awards


Prep - Max V for the Maths Mindset awards – for approaching new challenges in Maths with determination, giving his best effort and facing each task with a smile on his face!


Year 1- Raf A - Raf has demonstrated such resilience towards his learning in Maths this week, he has developed a superb growth mindset whilst learning to skip count in 2's, 5's and 10's.


Year 5 - Ellie R, 5LC - For always approaching mathematics with a growth mindset and a determination to solve problems and develop more efficient strategies. Your questioning skills and determination make you a wonderful role-model for your peers.


Year 6 - Noah B- For displaying a positive attitude and a growth mindset in maths.