What's on in the classroom?

Year 1

Year 1

The Grade 1s have been exploring the big idea, ‘how can we build strong relationships?’ through bucket filling. We initially discovered that each person carries around an invisible bucket with them. Although you cannot see it, it’s there. These buckets contain a person’s feelings and emotions, and it’s our job to ensure we are adding to someone else’s bucket rather than emptying it!


Students created their own buckets, using these to place ‘filling slips’ in. With aims of uplifting others, these buckets have promoted opportunities to appreciate, recognise, and celebrate each other. The Grade 1s have integrated bucket filling into their daily activities and are continuing to look out for others. Centring around our Inquiry unit of Belonging, it’s great to see students making choices that promote positivity.


Here’s what some of our students had to say about bucket filling!


Xavier. G

Bucket filling is “taking care of someone”

My bucket was filled when “my friend asked if I wanted to play with them”


Hazel. F

Bucket filling is “helping people when they need it”

My bucket was filled when “someone let me go first”


Jemima. G

Bucket filling is “including others”

My bucket was filled when “someone used their manners with me”