Student Services : Careers 

Two weeks until our Careers Expo!


We are in the final stages of preparation for our Careers EXPO for Year 10-12 Students  on Monday 18 March. Students will have 30-40 minutes to explore the expo and so we encourage them to arrive with a plan. For this purpose, we have included a list of exhibitors below. Additional information is available on Teams (see Career Files in Year Level Teams)


Plans may include: 

  • Whichexhibitors you would like to talk with 
  • Whatquestions you would like answered 
  • Seeking advice about student opportunities for this year, like who to approach for Work Experience (Year 10 students), or SWL placements (VCE-VM & VET students) in a particular industry, or for part-time student employment. 
  • Engaging with our many Industry Representativesto learn more about industriesandoccupationsof interest, andpathwaysinto those roles. 
  • Exploring or comparingUniversity degreesorTAFE courses, including course entry requirements, course structure and graduate outcomes. 
  • Learning aboutuniversities’additional opportunities such as early offer schemes, scholarships, study abroad programs, and industry internships 
  • Seeking advice aroundapprenticeships from TAFEs, Industry Representatives, and Group Training Organisations such as MEGT, NECA (electro) and VACC (auto). You can also seek advice around finding SWL placements from INLLEN and ask Head Start about School Based Apprenticeships. 


In addition, Year 10 students will participate in three 30-minute presentations and Q&A sessions in the morning. We are incredibly grateful to our twelve guest presenters – many of whom are NHS parents – for generously volunteering their time. Our presenters have a broad range of fascinating career journeys and insights to share. Hearing real career stories is so important and helps our students understand what contributes to a fulfilling career. This may include a willingness to try new things, adapt to change and learning to value experimentation and growth, instead of perfectionism. 


Year 10 students will be matched with sessions based on recent survey responses. Details of sessions each student will attend will be available via their Compass schedules by Friday 15th March.  


Year 10 students will attend Year 10 Careers Day Presentations in Periods 1 & 2, and our Careers Expo in Period 4. 


Year 11 students will attend our Careers Expo in Period 2. 


Year 12 students will attend our Careers Expo in Period 3. 


We are very lucky and grateful to the following exhibitors for devoting their entire day to being at NHS to chat with our students:



Monash University

University of Melbourne

RMIT University

LaTrobe University

Deakin University

Melbourne Polytechnic

Australian Catholic University

Swinburne University


Victoria University

University of Tasmania

Northern College of the Arts & Technology

Kangan Institute

Carlton College of Sport

Australian Women's Pilot Association

Essendon Education Academy

I-MED Radiology

AMSI Careers in Maths and Science

Richmond Institute

Inner North Local Learning 

& Employment Network

Explore Careers


World Education Program Australia

Victoria Police

MEGT Recruitment and Management


Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce

APA Group

Mainfreight Transport and Logistics

Academy of Interactive Technology

PICA Property Management


Outdoors Victoria

Engineers Australia

Department of Transport

Nestle Australia


NECA Education

Photography Studies College


Mediterranean Shipping Company

Young Women in Trade

Med Entry

Australian Defence Force
