From the Principal

We have already reached the mid-point of Term 1 and the bookings are already open in preparation for our Parent Student Teacher Conversations that will occur at the end of the Term. These are a great way to meet a range of the teachers that teach your children and to discuss their learning program.
This year, our School Council will hold the Annual Report Presentation and the Annual General Meeting on the 21 March from 6:00pm. It is at this meeting that the Council members are elected for the year ahead.
Thank you to the parents that have nominated to join our School Council, we thank them for the time and the perspective that they provide to the events and the policies that are developed and implemented for our school community. A number of students have also nominated for the student representative positions on the Council and we thank them for the time that they also give to participate.
Each year, schools are required to present the Annual Report to the school community. This provides an opportunity for the school community to celebrate achievements, reflect on the school’s performance, and understand where and how improvement efforts have enhanced student achievement, engagement, and wellbeing. We invite all families to attend the presentation of the Annual Report or download the report from the school website following its endorsement at the School Council Meeting.
Our annual Athletics Carnival is being held this Friday and again it will be a whole school event. After our recent House games, it will be a great opportunity for students to win more points for their school House; Cooper, Sumner, Plenty, or Merri. Currently Plenty is winning the House points tally and we hope that our other Houses can close the gap while enjoying the day. There will be a range of events on offer, including track and field, novelty events, and team relays. Please ensure your child brings appropriate clothing, sunscreen, a hat, and plenty of water.
Last week, the extreme heat caused us to reschedule two of our welcome events for our families; the Year 7 Picnic and the Year 12 meet and greet. Hopefully with the slightly cooler weather forecast this week, we will have many families join us, and look forward to seeing you there.
Chris Jones