Senior/Middle class News

Year 3/4 News

Year 3/4 students have been busy improving their understanding of information texts over the past few weeks. Our learning has focused on developing understanding surrounding report structure, paragraphing and the development of simple and complex sentences. The students have written a variety of information reports of their own choosing, and some have also completed some posters for display in the classroom. Kaden and Ruby prepared information posters about koalas whilst Dane presented a poster on elephants, with the co-topic being endangered animals. Brody also created a poster listing some endangered animals to share with the class. Here are some pictures of these students presenting their work to the class.



Year 5/6 News

The Year 5/6 students have also been working on improving their understanding of information texts. We have worked together to research and collate information on the First Fleet as Australian history is our inquiry topic this term. In the process of creating these information reports the students have learnt about note taking and bibliographies which has assisted them whilst they are working on their group projects involving events that have shaped Australia's history. 


Our whole school planning has perfectly aligned to incorporate our writing focus with our history topic which has assisted our students to become immersed in history this term. 



Last week, the whole school participated in STEM morning to celebrate Education week. Students took part in a range of hands-on activities including bridge building, tower construction, boat craft, and Play-Doh marble maze making. In house groups and using a range of materials, students attempted trial-and-error exercises that challenged their ways of thinking and worked together to reflect problem-solving strategies. The 5/6 students did a fantastic job as role models for the younger students, by helping them collaborate and participate in the group tasks on the day. The award for the strongest floating boat on the day went to Jackson, with the ability to hold a huge 600g using only three pieces of foil. Well done Jackson!