Principal Message
Be Kind, Be safe, Be respectful, Be responsible, Be resilient, Be ready
- Wednesday 24th April - School Closure Day- NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS!
- Thursday 25th April - Anzac Day- NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS!
- Friday 26th April - School Closure- NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS!
Dear Parents
Welcome to term 2 we look forward to working with you and enjoying special occasions that are coming up.
Even though we have already celebrated the important feast of Easter I thought the following article was a great reflection:
No matter how old you are, there is always a sense of wonder and fascination, when you come across a cicada shell still clinging to the bark on a tree. It looked dead but somehow you knew, that in some mysterious way, it was alive; the neat split down its back, was from where the living creature inside had escaped and taken flight. You couldn’t actually see it anywhere but at some point you would hear it singing away in some tree.
The cicada shell is a good analogy for the empty tomb that was found by the women then Peter and John on Easter Sunday. The resurrected, living Jesus, who had once been inside it, was gone. He was out amongst the living to whom he appeared several times. Every time he came to his friends, they became stronger, wiser, kinder, more daring. Every time he came to them, they became more like him.
Now that Jesus was raised from the dead, the Apostles and disciples, his followers, were commissioned to give witness to his death and resurrection. After the coming of the Holy Spirit, they fearlessly preached what, previously, they had not understood. We see this clearly in the transformation of Peter, who went from misunderstanding the scriptures to interpreting them through the lens of the resurrection. We see it in Paul, who had set out to put Christians to death, only to become the champion of the fledgling church.
We Christians today are summoned to live, proclaim and celebrate Jesus’ victory over death by resisting all those forms of death and violence that saturate our society and not only unjustly take the lives of innocent people, but can desensitise our spirit and damage our belief in freedom and justice for all.
There are constant hints of resurrection in our daily lives, foretastes of our ultimate resurrection. These are found daily in our downs and ups, our sorrows and joys, our worries and relief, our disappointments and successes. Easter Sunday offers an opportunity to celebrate all our small, personal “resurrections” and unite them with Jesus’ Resurrection. It offers us renewal to be people of faith, hope and love in our home and in our community.
Keep smiling